Love's to blame

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Warning: Depressing stuff, broken heart, death, suicide. 

"Love's to blam"

Time and time, You've thought through it all

Iskall was crying in his apartment, he thought about what had happened today, how he had to leave her, how she cried, how she hung on to him, and mostly how he had left her apartment, how he had slammed the door.

How we loved and loved
And how we fought each other,
Pushing one another to be somebody else

they can't be together, they are different people, they had different dreams and different ways of living, they just don't seem to click like when they first met. the many times they fought over something so small. but he had really loved her.

And time and time
I wr
estled my thoughts
Uncertain if the end was right or wrong,
And whether we should be together
Or with somebody else

he had thought about being with someone else then her but he didn't want to break her heart, but in the end, it just broke his heart too.

That last memory,
She had water in her eyes
She cried stay with me

he could see it so clearly in his memories like it was real, the way she had tears in her eyes, she cried, "stay with me!". she didn't want him to leave, and he didn't want to leave her either, but he had to, he couldn't stay with her much longer.

And asked how can this be love if you're leaving me?
But darling, love's to blame
And I can't see you right now
'Cause I just can't fake it
Come be near you right now

he told her that he loved her, but then she said something the pierced his heart. "Iskall! how could this be love if you're leaving me?" Stress cried in her hands as Iskall sat next to her on the couch, he didn't want to fake it anymore.

'Cause I know you're no longer mine
I can't see you
It makes me ache
That we had to break

then he phones ringed, Iskall looked at the number and the name was Stress, he's heart ached again as he picked up the phone and hanged it up. he whispered, "I can't see you, it makes me ache that we had to break, 'Cause I know you're no longer mine." 

That even though I knew we had it so well
We're strangers in different places though we live a mile apart
My best friend's gone,
My world has been torn
We'll never share a name
Never be one

Stress isn't better, she cried and cried after Iskall had left, she didn't want to live anymore, her hear have been broken so many times she didn't want it anymore. she grabbed the rope from her storage room. she had planned to use it until she met Iskall. But now he's gone too, so what's the point?

But I will always remember the years we spent in loveI still think of you
I pray that you are safe
I'm still missing you

Iskall still loved her, he still remembers, he still thinks of her, he prayed that she was safe, still missed her. he never intended of leaving her, when he first met her she was attempting suicide and he had saved her.

But it has to be this way cause I'm not right for you
And that's why love's to blame
And I can't see you right now
'Cause I just can't fake it
Come be near you right now

after she set up everything she needed to end her suffering she thought there might be a way back, she picked up her phone and called Iskall. after a few rings the phone hanged up. "and that's why love's to blame." she muttered to her self as she stood on the stool and put the rope around her neck.

'Cause I know you're no longer mine
And I can't see you right now
'Cause I just can't take it
Come be near you right now
'Cause I know you're no longer mine

then Iskall knew why she had called him, she wanted to know if he would come back fo her befor she killed herself. "no... Stress! I said goodbye but I still love you!"  Iskall ran and grabbed his car keys and ran to his car.

And I can't see you
No, I can't see you

there's no turning back he thought, he's not coming back for me she thought. tears flowed down her face as she kicked the stool she was standing on. the last thing she heard befor her neck cracked was her front door opening and Iskall yelling.

I just can't see you right nowMaybe time will heal our hearts
Maybe after time, you'll understand
I said goodbye but I love you

"Stress! Iskall yelled as he busted into her front door as he heard a crack. he ran into her bedroom and saw her, hanging lifelessly from the roof. he felled on to the floor as he cried, "I said goodbye but I love you!

And I can't see you right now
'Cause I just can't fake it
Come be near you right now
'Cause I know you're no longer mine

"cause I know you're no longer mine." Iskall sobbed as he took Stress into he's arm, he didn't care how weird it would seem to hug a corpse. he owned her, he owed her his life, he didn't deserve to live when he had practically killed someone.

And I can't see you right now
'Cause my heart just can't take it
Come be near you right now
'Cause I know you're no longer mine

"I can't see you..." Iskall sobbed as he holds on to what was left of Stress. he didn't want to end like this, he didn't think it through if he had just... if he had just done a lot of things this wouldn't have happened.

And I can't see you
No, I can't see you
I just can't see you right now

at Stress's funeral he didn't talk, in fact he can't anymore, he didn't want to kill more people with his voice so he cut out his own vocal cords, he didn't want to be in charge of this weapon, it had already killed enough people, way too many, even though it was only one. the last thing he said befor he cut it out was,

"I said goodbye but I love you."

hey guys! I posted! yay, well I mean, I did post to yesterday... so... welp, here is a depressing story for you! umm, I'm working on the 4th part of nuu, muh Sahara so just saying... (no one cares) mk, baiii!

-drawing Stuffy :)

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