memories (Run Wild pt.5)

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setting: a day after pt.4 and they are still on the way back from the island.

(I'm sorry this story sucks, I hate it and you probably do too. I just need to finish it. please bare with me for one more chapter of this crap thanks.)

Here's to the ones that we got
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not

Grian has been mute after the incident that happened on the island. he could still talk if he wants to but how could he when he had killed his best friend with his words? if he hadn't asked Mumbo to go the trip then none of this would have happened. he could have died himself which is what he deserved but Mumbo had to die for him instead. fate is just an A-hole sometimes.

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
Of everything we've been through

"hey, Grian! want a drink?" Iskall asked as he walked into Grian's side of the cabin that he used to share with mumbo. Grian didn't even look up as he shook his head.

"come on, it'll make you forget about Mumbo just for a little bit and let you get some rest," Iskall begged. he didn't approve of drinking till your drunk and faints but Grian really needs a break, he had a head-splitting headache and a sore throat. 

Toast to the ones here today
Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

Grian just gave up and nodded. Iskall led him up on the dining place, everyone was up there waiting for them with there drink. when Grian got up there, people started to shoot questions at them, but one glare from Iskall made them all shut up.

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
And the memories bring back, memories bring back you

Grian sat down and started to drink, he didn't answer any question or say thanks to false when she hands him his 3rd drink, he just sat there and drink. (guys, i'm not promoting drinking to anyone, I don't have any experience of drinking, I just guessed from other people) his headache dulled and his throat stopped burning, Grian was feeling ok for once.

There's a time that I remember when I did not know no pain
When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same

his head swarmed and he was out. cold. oh wait never mind, he's on a hill now, with Mumbo, picking some flowers. oh wait, when did Mumbo get here? huh. Grian just went on picking flowers with him. Grian looked up to see Mumbo handing him a rose. 

"oh thank you Mumbo!" Grian said, taking the rose, but then noticed something red on Mumbo's hand. "oh! you're bleeding!" Grian said, taking Mumbo's hand. 

Now my heart feels like December when somebody says your name
'Cause I can't reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah

"oh no, i'm good, I just got hurt from uh some flowers," Mumbo said, pulling away. Grian suspiciously looked at his flower pile and there was nothing he would have gotten hurt by, so... it means Mumbo got pricked by the rose. that he picked for Grian. only Grian. 

"oh Mumbo! you got hurt from the rose!" Grian said, reaching out for Mumbo, but he faded away. Mumbo was gone again.

Everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody hurts someday, aye-aye

Grian just sat on the hill, clutching the rose that Mumbo had given him close to his heart. he could feel that mumbo was still there, just not with him. the Grian took a deep breath and woke up. oh, wait, no he's in a coffee shop now, sitting in front of uh, no one. huh.

"hey, I got you you're favorite!" mumbo said as he walked up to Grian and sat in front of him.

"o-oh thanks!" Grian said, taking his black coffee with steams coming out of the top.

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