like glass shatters pt. 10

255 4 0

Warning: blood, abuse, whiping, torture.

after Iskall left grian and Mumbo was sitting on Grian bed thinking about how they would escape this mess, maybe a portal to another world might do, but they can't just leave everyone else here!

"Mumbo... do you hear that?" Grian said as he heard footsteps.

"yeah... maybe it's Iskall?" Mumbo asked, but sitting up, holding Grian's hand protectively.

"I mean I hope it's iskall..." Grian whimpered. Then False came in, Grian and Mumbo fist relaxed, but then remembered that she was taken, and her eyes look red and misty. Mumbo stood up, pushing Grian behind him.

"just give me Grian, you will be spared, your time is up, we've come to take him," False said, monotoned.

"No! I'll never give him up!" Mumbo said as False stepped back showing all the hermits minutes Iskall, scar, Cub, and Doc. (you know where they are)

"Mumbo...?" Grian whispered,

"yes?" Mumbo said gently.

"I'm not scared. you can let me go. I don't want you getting hurt you know." Grian said as he stood next to Mumbo.

"no... Grian... I-I ca-can't... Grian... Grian! NO! GRIAN!!!" Mumbo sobbed as the hermits took Grian. "if you're going to take him... take me with you... please." Mumbo said with the last of his energy, his legs gave in and he fell on him keens.

"Mumbo! no! please, you don't want to come with me! ughhhhh..." Grian said as bdubs made him drink down a potion. "don't Mumbo..." that was the last word Grian said befor he passed out cold.

"Just grab him, whatever, it doesn't hurt to take another," False said as he mentions for Xisuma to take him.

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back with Scar and Doc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Scar watched the person in black cloke continue to whip Iskall despite his scream of pain, he looked over at Doc with tears in his eyes. 

"We need to do something!" Doc whispered to Scar, then they heard the Screaming of Grian, and they watched in horror as they dragged Grian in by his what seems like a broken arm, it was bent the wrong way. Scar winced at the memory. after that, they see Mumbo got dragged in, passed out. the watchers, they called themselves, chained Grian on to the wall next to a still screaming Iskall.

"Grian... " Mumbo muttered as he opened his eyes.

"Mumbo's eyes!" Scar whisper-yelled at Doc, Mumbo eyes was bright red, not like the other hermits, it was bloodthirst. Mumbo stood up looking around as all the watchers ran outside into the watching area with Scar and Doc.

"Mumbo... I told you not to come with me..." Grian whimpered as Mumbo walked towards Grian and curled up in a fist.

"you ruined my life! so now I get to ruin yours too." Mumbo said as he slapped Grian hard across the face so hard, making him stumble backward,  falling on the ground, yelped out in pain from his broken arm.

"M-Mumbo... stop... it's not you... pleas-" Grian's ples was cut out by cries of pain from Mumbo grabbing the whip the watches left on the ground and whipping him.

"you want me to stop? if you didn't sell me out, then this won't be happing!" Mumbo yelled at Grian, with each word, the whip went crashing down on to Grian, slicing his skin, making him cry out in pain, each time the whip went down, it sliced down deeper, harder, and the slash in Grian's heart grow bigger. 

"Mumbo... please stop... enough... Mumbo..." Grian whimpered in pain looking up at Mumbo with tears in his eyes.


Scar flinched as he saw Cub, still traumatized by what he did and told him.

"oh... uh... good! bring him here." Iskall said to Cub, swearing under his breath.

"Sir, the master wanted to see him, we'll bring him when the master is done with him," Cub said as he turned around as walked away.

"Should we follow him?" Doc asked, looking at the direction Cub went.

"Yeah, good idea, I think I know what to do, just act along with me ok? no matter what I do, my plan won't work unless they have 100% trust in one of you, do as I say, ok? no matter what I told you to do." Iskall said as he looked Cub and Doc right in the eye.

                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashbacl~~~~~~~~~~~~~

hey peeps! yay... depressing, abusive, angst, depressing chapter! here is a meme for you!

me: umm, it's Thanksgiving break, so like I can post daylilyyyyyyyyyyy 

also me: *don't post anything for two days*


anyways, Imma go work on another chapter! (I really should work on my Science Olympiad thing...) mk, baiiiiiii!

-Lazy Stuffy :)

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