see you on the other side

296 5 9

woo! i'm writing this after a math test that I probably failed on! yay~

warning: cancer, blood, death, overworking, stress, sleep-deprived.

Mumbo wasn't feeling well for the past year, he was tired all the time, dull pain in his ribs, shortness of breath, and he lost but he was to busy to go to the hospital, Grian had tried to bring him but he always had more redston and another project to work on, and now there is demise, and he had to stay alive right? he couldn't waste time going to the hospital right? "ack..." Mumbo coughed, there was blood on the tissue he was holding, then he heard rocket sound and hastily stuffed the tissue in his pocket

"hi, Mumbo! how are you holding up? you said you weren't feeling well-" grian said as he landed next to Mumbo,

"I'm fine Grian," Mumbo said, still looking through his chest, but then Mumbo started coughing again 

"see Mumbo, you need to go to the hospital! I'll bring you there, you won't miss much time, only for a check-up! please!" Grian pleaded

"I don't have any time Grian!" Mumbo yelled, already frustrated with this conversation.

"but Mumbo! what i-" Grian argued

"no, but Grian, it's not a possibility! how does Redstone give you luge cancer? it's not coal or anything, besides, you mine more than me so... there is no argument!" Mumbo yelled, Grian sighted befor looking at Mumbo and then opened his mouth, looking like he wanted to say something but the decided agast, turned around and walked away. after Grian left, Mumbo felt a little bad that he yelled at Gian but he was just so frustrated with him trying to make him go to the hospital. the next day Grian came back again, but this time Mumbo wasn't that lucky about hiding his's pain, it was the pain on his rib again, he felt dull pain as he opened the door for Grian and then he coughed blook right in front of Grian and Mumbo know there was no way of getting out of this today, good thing he had nothing to do that day. 

"Mumbo let's go to the hospital, you're coughing blood," Grian said as he dragged Mumbo on to his car without asking if he had any plans that day. 

"but Grian! I have work to do, I'm not free all the time like you!" Mumbo said struggling against Grian but he was not as strong as he uses to be.

"see Mumbo, you can't even fight me, there is nothing to argue, let's go," Gian said as he started the car in the direction of the nearest hospital. 

"but Grian! I'm fine!" Mumbo hopelessly argued,

"we're here!" Grian said ignoring Mumbo's useless comment. Mumbo didn't say anything as he was dragged into the hospital by Grian. after they were checked in and the Doctor took Mumbo into a room and made Grian wait outside, he wasn't particularly liking the arrangement but I'll have to do. after a while Mumbo came out, he was looking down and didn't make eye contact with Grian as he sat down beside him.

"what's wrong Mumbo?" Grian asked softly

"I-I it... I mean.. I'm SORRY GRIAN!" Mumbo yelled as he started to cry and hugged Grian, Grian just hugged back and pat his back gently.

"What did the doctor say?" Grian asked, he was really concerned but he didn't want to act like it to make Mumbo more nerves.

"they said I-I have st-stage 4 l-lunge c-cancer... just like you said... I'm sorry... I didn't mean-" Mumbo was cut off by a fit of coughing with blood. Grian pulled out some tissue paper from his back pocket and wiped Mumbo's mouth gentle and used his sleeve to wiped away his tears. "I-I'm Sor-Sorry I di-didn't listen to y-you..." Mumbo sobbed and coughed again.

"it's ok Mumbo, calm down, it'll just make it worse when you get nerves," Grian said.

"w-wait... how did you know?" Mumbo asked Grian, looking at him and making eye contact for the first time after he got out of the room.

"well... I-" Grian begin befor he got cut off by the doctor coming out,

"Sorry to interrupt anything, but this is serious, and sir," the doctor pointed at Grian, "it was good you brought him here today, if it was later then he would have died." the doctor said as he gestured for Mumbo to follow him. "you can come to sir." the doctor said to Grian.

"ugh..." Mumbo said as he stood up and just fainted on the spot, 

"MUMBO!?" Grian yelled befor there was a rush and people came and people went, it was all blurry and somehow he ended up in the waiting room in front of a door with the name tag Mumbo with tears on his face.

"who is with Mumbo?" the doctor asked, as he came out of the room that Mumbo was in.

"m-me..." Grian stuttered out, trying to wipe away the tears but more came out. 

"come here sir, he just woke up and want to talk to you." the doctor said as he and Grian walked into the room, seeing Mumbo lying there, so weak, made Grian cry again.

"Grian... just, if I'm ever on life support, take me off..." Mumbo said reaching for Grian's hand.

"Mumbo... but this... I can't..." Grian said as he held Mumbo's hand. 

"Grian, Please, this is my last request!" Mumbo said gripping Grian's hand as hard he can in this state.

"I-I ok...I will..." Grian said 

"see you on the other side..." Mumbo said then there was alarm and Mumbo let go, Grian was sent out again, he didn't know what happened. after a bit later the doctor came out again,

"Sir, he's on life support." 

"w-what? I-I'm I-I, bu-but... I, he- have to... t-take off... Mumbo..." Grian stuttered.

"I'm sorry sir I couldn't understand you." the doctor said,

"take him o-off..." Grian stuttered out and then started sobbing.

"Are you sure s-"

"just do it..." Grian said as he hugged himself and cried, 

"see you on the other side Mumbo..."

hey guys! so Imma gonna stop protracting now! yay. yesterday my mom was interrogating me about my book and crap ughhhhhhhh oh well, baiiiiii!

-dead Stuffy :)

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