shatters like glass pt. 5

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"ok, fine," Grian said just so Mumbo wouldn't suspect anything.

"ok... well come back inside Grian," Mumbo said, and he knew that Grian was thinking about turning himself in, he can see in his eyes, the hopeless empty eyes that were full of color and excitement. 

"just a second please Mumbo, you can go inside first," Grian said, wanting sometimes along so he could think of a plan to run to itrade, were they had told him to turn himself in. 

"that's not safe Grian, please come with me," Mumbo said, knowing what Grian is up to, he can't give up on Grian now, he would never give up on Grian, he can't give up on him.

"Mumbo... please, just a minute!" Grian said frustrated

"ok... be careful." Mumbo said befor heading inside, standing next to the glass to watch Grian, in case he flies away.

"I will," Grian said with a sigh as he sat down with his face tucked between his keen, and tears streaming down his face. 

"ARGH!" Grian yelled to the ocean, "who, how, what, why, me? you know I have a happy life here, why are you taken me away? I thought you wanted me to have a good life! and now you are here to ruin it! you took everything from me! after this what else do I have for you to take? who many more goodbyes do I have to say? just kill me and end this all!" Grian yelled again,

"I can't let you die." a voice said, and Grian looked up as surprised as Mumbo to hear a voice,

"who are you?!" Grian said now standing up with more tears on his face.

"you know who I am, I am who you are supposed to be with, who you should always be with. there is no more goodbye to say when you come, you will stay this time." the voice said and Grian knew, he always knew that this was going to happen, just no on this server, this was the only place he found that was home, real friends who supports him and don't give up, there was nothing comparing to the friendship he had with the hermits here. the dark hooded figure approached with black swords approaching Grian and he just stood there did even flinch when the sword cut his arm.

"HEY! STOP!" Mumbo yelled as he ran out of were he is hiding with his sword raised

"don't Mumbo, you can't fight him, this is our goodbye now." Grian said with his head down and it made Mumbo stop in his track. 

"no, this can't be, you can't leave me, o-or anyone, here! you're so brave and exciting, you can't leave! we need you here if you are going to say goodbye you have you have to at least try to stay!" Mumbo yelled as the figure sliced Grian's other arm and blood oozed out. 

"I can't fight anymore Mumbo, did you hear what I said? another goodbye might cost my heart." Grian said as he sikes to his keens.

"you heard him, you can't fight me," the figure said, "well Grian, you already know you can't fight me, then why do you try to run away from me for all those years?"

"I can't fight, it doesn't mean I can't hide. you said you wanted a good life from me, they why did you ruin my life over and over again?" Grian asked

"I ruined your life? I didn't ruin your life, you ruined your own, you ran away from me and went to yander high school, and it took your trust, and you went with the watchers, it took your will to live, and now you are here, what did Hermitcraft took from you? me. the most important thing you need and it was taken from you, and you still want to stay here? destroy your life even further?" the figure asked

"I WANTED TO LOSE YOU! COMING TO HERMITCRAFT WAS ONE OF THE BEST CHOICE I DID! YOU CAN'T CHOOSE MY LIFE!" Grian yelled as he elbowed the figure in his supposed face and ran to Mumbo

"you can never lose me stupid." the figure said as he recovers and kicks Grian again and again. 

"Who are you even?" Iskall said as he came out of the building and strikes his sword at the figure knocking it over and stabs him in the stomach.

"you know I can't die right? tell the Grian, tell them about me." the figure said as he stood up and disappeared. 

"I'm sorry guys..." Grian said as he coughed up blood and he was out cold.

ok guys so as I was writing this chapter, and I have Grammarly, it was detecting my tone one this and it was "friendly", "joyful", and "surprised" I was like, umm no, you are wrong bro. anyways, I wrote this is one sitting so yeah! mk bye guys!

-tired Stuffy :)

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