teehee more incorrect quotes

423 10 16

Grian: don't take it the wrong way, but you're insane.

Mumbo: That may well be, but the fact is it wouldn't kill us to meet some new people.

Grian: For the record, it could kill us to meet new people. They could be murderers or the carriers of unusual pathogens. And I'm not insane, my mother had me tested.

Mumbo: Before I do anything, I ask myself, would Grian do that? And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.

Mumbo who is late for another meeting: I would have been here sooner but the bus kept stopping for other people to get on it.

Scar: cub, you're such a genius!

Cub: Yes, I know.

Scar: Why didn't you tell us that this could've killed us?

Cub: I figured if I told you, you wouldn't wanna do it!

Scar: That's a terrible thing to say, [Character B]! You're right, of course... but that's still a terrible thing to say.

Iskall: Grian, you need to stop wasting everyone's time!

Grian: I'm not wasting everyone's time!

Mumbo: Really. Hey, Iskall, what was the last thing Grian said before I came through the door?

Grian: Iskall, you don't need to answer that.

Mumbo: Iskall?

Iskall: "If you don't smell this, you're fired."

iskall: I can't believe you guys are at this lame party!

Grian: you're here too.

Iskall: I am?

Xisuma: This job will require a bit of muscle, so I figured Cub should do it.

Doc: What? No. I should do it. I'm a man.

Grian: That's debatable.

Doc: well, I'm more man than Cleo.

Cleo: don't accept that.

Grian: I'm going to get soup.

Mumbo: be careful, don't burn your self, the soup is hot.

Grian: pfft I'm not going to burn myself!

*30 sec later*

Grian: *comes in the room* I burned myself help.

Doc: Birthday parties don't make any sense. You were born. Congratulations! You have met the bare minimum requirement for existence! Oh and now you want presents? Would you like some cake with your participation trophies? Yes, let's all eat cake at a party that's going to force me to chip in for a bunch of food and drinks I didn't want. Hurrah!

Grian: hi! I don't think we've talked, but can you hold this for me? *headbutts random person**looks at Mumbo* I think we should leave.

Xisuma: *gets down on one keen*

Biffa: oh my goodness! it's finally happening!

Xisuma: *ties shoe*

Biffa: he finally stopped wearing crocs!

Grian: *about to touch something*

TV person: be careful! that is slippery when wet!

Grian: *continue to try and touch it*


Grian: *screaming*

Mumbo: *to Grian* and you think killing people makes them love you, but it just makes them dead.

Mumbo: why is there hot chocolate in the oven? you could have burned the house down!

Grian: but you wanted hot chocolate...

Mumbo: *screaming*

Doc: I was born seven months too early. Incubation technology was still in its infancy, so they placed me in a cast-iron pot inside of a pizza oven until I was RIPE ENOUGH TO WALK.

ok, ok, I might be done with them now and continue of the story, ok sorry, just had a lot of sugar, anyway, I think the next chapter is going to be scar's POV of the story, but anyways, bai!

-dead Stuffy ;)

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