Dear Stress,

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Dear Stress,

I've missed you since you left me, I would always think back to the last Christmas we had. You left me last year and this is that time of the year again and this time last year I was thinking about how I could spend the Christmas with you, and when the Christmas passed I was thinking about this Christmas, this was going to be the special Christmas I was going to tell you that I loved you and that I want to stay with you forever, or to say propose to you, but I guess this is too late to say. Still, thank you for the last amazing Christmas you gave me last year. I think my love life is over though, this year was really hard for me without you, you don't know how hard my disability is after the car crash, I was in hospital bed for 2 weeks and then was in wheelchair for the rest of the month, now I still have to walk around couches, they say that I was brave that I didn't flinch with the pain. It wasn't that I was brave or anything, I was numb. I can't feel anything except hurt and pain form the lost of you. I've lived my day meaningless until last week when the doctor told me that I had depression, and I'm thinking of ending my life, but you won't be proud of me for that will you? I didn't think so, that's why I'm not doing it. I was planning on ending my life this Christmas so I can spend it with you because Christmas has no more meaning without you. I hope I can see you soon. Maybe it's meant that I feel pain, or perhaps I'm just holding on for too long, I just don't know what to do anymore. I hope you can see this somehow because you know, I've heard if someone is gone, they can see everything that is happening on earth. Everyone has told me to move on, but I can't, I'm sorry, you probably wanted me to move on, but I just CAN'T! I'm sorry Caroline, I just can't move on from you. People have been trying to help me, but I just can't take it, I don't deserve love and care for others, maybe I should just go die in a hole. I'll miss you until I'm with you.



I was there

On the day

That your world changed

You were scared


For the heartbreak

Everything you knew

faded out of view

Stole a piece of you

If I could

Oh I would

Be your hero

Be the one

Who would take

All the arrows

Save you from the pain

Carry all the weight

But don't you know you're brave

(fight on fighter, by: for Kings and Country)

hey guys! I just thought of something different and decided to post it, I know it's not Christmas yet, but this is a little fun story so I'm gonna do it, this is a Iskall and Stress ship and that is out of my normal people (Mumbo and Grian lol) so... don't kill me plz. mk baiiii!

-Christmas Stuffy

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