like glass shatters (previewwww)

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"No Please! No! Stop!" Scar yelled as an unknow hermit fouces him to drink a potion the makes him scream in pain and collapse on the floor.

"No, I don't want to trade Mumbo for it! I already told you! so STOP ASKING!" Grian yelled at a hoodied hermit.

"well, if you don't want to trade Mumbo for it, then what about iskall huh?" the hoodies figure asked.

"NO! I'm not trading any of them!" Grian screamed.

"say you last word Grian, you have not to chance anymore. unless you regret you choice and want to trade again?"

"Why are you doing this to me? who are you?" Mumbo said as he flipped the hood of the figure, "w-why... " Mumbo stuttered and now letting the figure cary him away without a fight. 

so here is some previes of this new idea I have, so do you guys like the concept? plz comment on it! I am writing the first chapter right now, so if you guys want it, I might turn it in to like a 10 chapter story? something like that. mk. baiiiii (and comment plz)

-secretive Stuffy :)

edit: i made a book outta dis, don't read this go read the book. this story here sucks

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