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so from the poll, this was the most popular one (there were only 2 votes haha) anyways, this is Grian when he was still with the Watchers this has nothing to do with the other hermits it's just Grian.

Setting: Grian is taken to talk with the head Watcher. Grian has been here for almost 5 years and he has been holding on from insanity and refusing the watcher power.

We're not in love
We share no stories
Just something in your eyes
Don't be afraid

"Hello, Grian... we meet again. you probably know why I called you here hm?" the Watcher said as he came down from his throne and walked towards Grian who was in a kneeling position and had his hand tied behind him and beaten up.

"hm mh. and no. like always." Grian said smirking. he knows what's coming, the torture he's going to get for disobeying.

"I have something new to show you... don' be afraid." the watcher said and then he approached Grian

The shadows know me
Let's leave the world behind
take me through the night
Fall into the dark side
We don't need the light
We'll live on the dark side

"w-what are you doing?!" Grian asked as he fell into the darkness beneath him.

"It's ok, the shadows know me." the watcher said, not explaining anything to Grian. "we don't need the light, we live on the dark side."

"w-what is this? why?" Grian said he was in pain because if you aren't a watcher you can't experience this amount of darkness and shadow without preparation, the deeper you get the more pain you are in.

I see it, let's feel it
While we're still young and fearless
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
Fall into the dark side
Give in to the dark side

"stop!" Grian sobbed they are really deep in the hole of blackness now, even the watcher was showing signs of discomfort.

"give in to the dark side Grian, let it go, fall into the dark side." the watcher said looking at Grian's pained expression.

Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
Beneath the sky
As black as diamonds
We're running out of time

"no! I will never! I... can't!" Grian sobbed as he fell.

"can't? that's impossible. of course you can! if you believe, let your consciousness go Grian. let it go." the watcher said.

"I-I made a promise..." Grian said then he fainted, he was gone. too far into the darkness to be Grian.

Don't wait for the truth
To come and blind us
Let's just believe their lies
Believe it, I see it
I know that you can feel it

Grian opened his eyes. everything was gray. no color. he felt nothing. there was nothing. he was empty... his heart was empty and there is nothing he could do about it. it was empty because he had given into the Darkside. he tried to be mad at himself but he felt no emotion, he can not cry. there were no tears left to cry anyways.

"I see you are awake? what do you think about the darkness Grian?" the Watcher said next to him.

No secrets worth keeping
So fool me like I'm dreaming
Take me through the night
Fall into the dark side
We don't need the light

"...nothing," Grian said. it was the only thing he could think of right now. nothing, he had nothing left, he had nothing to live for, he had nothing to hope for, and he had nothing to see. so what was the point of living when there is nothing in your life? there was none. which is nothing.

"nothing? ah... I might have gone too deep with you in the darkness. it took everything from you. I guess you are useless for us now so just wait here and someone will come and deal with you.

We'll live on the dark side
I see it, let's feel it
While we're still young and fearless
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
Fall into the dark side

"..." Grian said nothing. there was nothing to be said. he was thankful, Grian knew that the Watcher meant that he was going to die. he wanted to. it was painful to be alive when you have nothing! even though he was only like this for a few minutes he can't bare it any longer.

Give in to the dark side
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side
(Dark side)Take me through the night
Fall into the dark side

someone with a rope came in and tied him up. Grian didn't struggle. he just looked right in front of him. it was a horrible 5 years living in the dungeon and constantly getting beaten up. but he had something to live for, a hope that he was going to get out one day. where was this hope now? maybe there was none to start out with, maybe it was all an illusion to keep living. the Grian felt that he was falling, falling off a cliff into water to be exact.

We don't need the light
We'll live on the dark side
I see it, let's feel it
While we're still young and fearless
Let go of the light
Fall into the dark side

"let go of the light, fall into the dark side." that was the last word Grian said befor the water engulfed him and he didn't even struggle to breathe.

yay! finally a chapter! I have been very busy lately, so I couldn't get a chapter done. (screw you homework) anyways, vote on what you want to see next! (on the last chapter) hope to see you soon! bai!

-darkside Stuffy :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now