like glass shatters pt.9

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"Uhm... I...Doc?" Iskall stuttered as he pushed Scar behind him.

"what were you talking about in there Iskall?" Doc asked as his look intensifies 

"uhh... about how Scar got kidnaped? I mean... what else?" Iskall said as Scar slowly reaches for a needlepoint on the table beside him and passes it to Iskall.

"here, you might need this, I can't do it myself." Scar whispers to Iskall as he takes the needlepoint.

"Hey, don't act like I don't see that!" Doc said as he tried to grab the needle from iskall.

"welp, if you want to do it this way then sorry!" Iskall said as he punches Doc real hard in the face, breaking his nose.

"what was that for!?" Doc yelled as blood flows down his face.

"to wake you up." Scar said as Doc's eyes cleared.

"w-what... I... huh?" Doc said confusedly as he touched his nose tenderly.

"ok, come in here," Iskall said as he dragged Doc and Scar back into the room. "ok, so we just waked you up from the potion thingy." 

"Yeah, I remember them taking me and stuff, also I know everything I do or say like I'm in my body, but I can't do anything about what I do or say you know?" Doc asked Iskall and Scar.

"well we kind of don't but yeah, we need to get more Hermits to wake up from the potion, also let me fix your nose there," Iskall said as he reaches for some medical things.

"but don't you think it's kind of gross? making the hermits get blood in their mouth? is there no other way? maybe less painful?" Doc asked as he experienced this first hand. 

"uh, I think there is another way I remembered Cub-" Scar winced still at what he said to him, "had something that could work." Scar said.

"what about milk? Isn't that an easier way?" Iskall said,

"no, it took us extra long to figure out how to stop it from dissolving in milk, it won't work." Scar said.

"yeah... ok... that makes sense, why were you guys making it anyway?" Doc asked Scar

"well we were bored and just messing around I guess I don't know." Scar said.

"that don't matter anymore, let just get out of here, I think Cub knows that we're up to something," Iskall said as there was a knock on the door.

"hurry, act like you've been questioning Scar!" Doc whispered to Iskall, and he went to open the door.

"general, we got him," Ren said outside the door. Iskall's eyes watered whenever he sees Ren, his best friend, controlled by something he didn't know, ut he hid it well.

"who?" Iskall asked.

"the one he master wanted, Grian, we got him."

hey peeps! so this was slow cuz I wuz obsessed with sad song stories (go check them out!) sorry this was kinda short lol. anyways yesterday was my first time trying digital drawing, and I made crap. it's Grian with a Sahara merch, I'll post it on here if you guys want I dunno. mk baii!

-digital Stuffy :)

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