like glass shatters pt.3

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after the meeting and they decided that they are not going to turn Grian in no matter what, and everyone went back to there own base with their team, and they only have two teams now, false went with Grian, mumbo, Iskall, and Scar went with the other team. 

"so, who is going to keep watch tonight?" Grian asked everyone who was at his base again.

"I'll do it." Said a really sad false. Grian looked at her concerned, but let her anyways. in the middle of the night, Grian woke up and decided to look on False to see how she's doing and as he looked out, he sees False crying and so he quietly went to her and sat down next to her. 

"W-what do you w-want... to g-get mad at me?" False asked not looking at Grian.

"what? no! of course not! are you blaming yourself of what happened?" Grian asked looking at her with concern.

"yeah... it was my fault..." False said, "I was supposed to protect Ren because he fell when we are getting back and... he sprang his ankle, and I was helping him... I got distracted... and... and..." False said braking down again and leaning on to Grian for support. as sh probes on to Grian, he was thinking about how many lives are they going to lose if he doesn't turn himself in. 

"how many lives? how long? why are they doing this? I should just turn in my stupid life that worth nothing in! ugh, I'm so useless! I should die! wait, if I die like jump down a building, they can't catch me!" Grian muttered, but as he was thinking that, he was also thinking such a burden he is and how he is dragging everyone down but this, and who he should never have come to Hermitcraft anyways, he wouldn't have made so much trouble. feeling so useless on what to do, and he even agreed to not turn himself in, but the guilt in him was getting too much for him to handle, he wanted to die, maybe it's an escape from this cruel world! maybe if he had died, he would be at a better place. but he'd have to turn himself in or else they would kill everyone until they find him, and he was being useless burden enough, and if he died for him own pleasers then that is just strat up selfish, and he didn't want to be remembered at the hermit that killed himself to escape life, he wanted to be the hero, but he knows that it won't happen and that if at the end they win, he is going to kill himself anyway, he didn't want to life anymore, it was just pain in the world and nothing more, just more disappointment and nothing more, just more judgement and nothing more. why would he want to live in pain and misery? he didn't know why he didn't kill himself earlier, when he still had a chance in the game that is called life, maybe it would have been better for the wold if he was never born. after all this, Grian didn't even realize that he had tears streaming down his own eyes. 

hey, ya peeps! so today I took a test on like depression, and I got server depression so... yeah! Grian's thoughts on here are basically mine but like, in Minecraft and less stuff I guess... mehhhh I don't know anymore I guess.... mk baiiiiiii!

-really depressed Stuffy :!

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