like glass shatters pt.8

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after Cub made Scar drink down the potion Scar's eyes also turned misty and red.

"where are we going?" Scar asked in the same robotic ish voice Cub is speaking in( well there is still emotions but it's like not natural? you get it? no? ok)

"you have finally come around, we are going back to the master," Cub said.

"oh yes!.... the... uhh... what? I-I mean um, yes we are going back to the master." Scar said as he came back to his senses, the potion was a control potion that he and Cub figured out when ConCorp was still standing, and the only antidote is blood, and he realized that blood was running down his face from his broken nose. He's got to fake it now and he can even get some inside information for Grian! The problem is if he slips, he dies.

"you seem a bit weird, maybe we can fix you up back at the lab." Cub said as he now dragged Scar by his good arm, "oh, and we need to fix your arm up. oh, and that broken nose, you're bleeding a lot." it seems like the old Cub again, caring for Scar since he's health haven't been good anyway, but the blood part, scar needs a way to get some more blood so when they drug him again with the potion, he could fight it, and maybe if he can make Cub or the other hermits some blood they might come back.

"ok." Scar said, a plan already forming in his head. after a bit of walking and groning of pain from scar, they got there it was the Sahara Dismis Bunker, the people that were terrorizing the hermitcraft server have found a way into the unbreakable Sahara bunker. which means that they have insiders to get the key card, Scar decided, and it was most likely to be someone that was close to the trio, or... if it is one of the trio? but why would they do that? there was no time to think, he was dragged down to the bunker and dropped down into the water elevator and Scar screamed of pain again from his broken arm.

"well, let's fix you up shall we?" said a person coming to meet them at the bottom of the elevator, "it seems like he beat you up real good?" the person said as he approaches them Scar realizes that it was Iskall coming at that and his eyes aren't red or misty.

"iskall?" (ha! I bet you didn't see that coming! I was going to stop here for a cliffhanger, but I felt like the chapter was too short to I didn't, you're welcome) Scar said questioning his sanity, Iskall was standing in front of them, not drugged, trying to hurt Grian, his once best friend. after he said Iskall with a question he sees in Iskall's expressions that he knew he wasn't drugged, dang! Scar thought got caught the second you got in! good job.

"Scar, come with me, I'll fix you up real quick, Cub, wait here." Iskall ordered,

"are you sure sir?" Cub said

"yes I'm sure, we'll be back soon," Iskall said as he mentions for Scar to come with him into some staircase that goes down further into the bunker. Scar was now sweating, what is Iskall going to do with him? he knows that Iskall knows, so what now? is Iskall going to drug him again? or worst, torture him for information? they wouldn't believe him if he said that he didn't know where Grian is, but Grian probably changed places or something so Scar don't know, his thoughts were interrupted by Iskall's calm voice.

"scar, I know you're not drugged. as you can tell, I'm not either-" Iskall said befor Scar cut him off by saying,

"if you aren't drugged, they why did you do this? why did you make Cub get me? why are you trying to hunt down Grian? what did he ever do to you? I thought you were loyal to the trio, but apparently you're n-" Scar said befor Iskall puts a finger his mouth to shush him.

"don't. you. dare. say. that. also, the others might hear us," Iskall said as he started to gently clean up Scar's arm and put on a sling without hurting him that much, "I'm not drugged yes, but I'm not hunting Grian down either! why haven't the people spying on you guys not attack you the chance they could? it was because of me! If I wasn't here you guys would be dead a long time ago. I risked my life to earned the people's trust by giving the keycard to this bunker, they promoted me to a general of some sort and I direct the people that spies on you guys, I always mess up the report so they can't attack, they've always have the power to attack and get Grian, but I told them that the hermits are way more powerful than they really are."

"wait, then why were some hermits drugged and gone missing?" Scar asked confused

"well, I can't stop everything! I tried, but if I don't let them take someone soon then they will get suspicious, and we would have to start back on square one on this trust thing! I try not to let people that use to work together to kidnap each other because once the potion sets in then they will hate the person that they are most close to, but you were taken then I was taken care of Grian, being a double agent, I wasn't in control at the time and I don't know what happened, someone higher than me in general commanded cub to get you, and someone to get false and Cleo, I think you were with X at the time right? Doc went with Cub to supposedly take Xisuma and bring him back to me UN Drugged, but someone messed up my order and took everyone they can and put Xisuma under drugs, I can't find a cure for it!" Iskall said as Scar placed everything together.

"oh! blood, blood is the antidote for the potion! me and Cub w-we made it b-back at ConCorp... and sorry for misunderstanding you Iskall... I just really thought that you betrayed the hermitcraft server..." Scar said

"oh, Scar, I would never betray the Hermits, not with my life, but blood? it's the antidote?" Iskall asked,

"yeah, it is, I'm pretty sure about that." Scar said.

"ok, thanks, but we better hurry, the others might get suspicious of what's taking us so long, let's go," Iskall said as he opened the door to face Doc staring right at them with his red misty eyes.

welp! that wasn't a sad chapter, makes me sad that it's not sad, anyways, the next chapter will be Grian's POV, but there will be more Scar POVs and maybe some other Hermits I don't know, but I'm like flying off the outline that I made for this book lol, anyways, I'm going to be sleeping now, baiiii!

-sleepy Stuffy :)

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