born without a heart

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Born Without a Heart

<jump flash backs> (when lyric changes a new time skip. a lot of time skips, please tell me when you don't understand the time skip)

I'm an angel, tell me what you mean by that

there was light shining, very bright. there was sobbing. then someone said,

"aww... such a little angle!" that was the last thing he heard that was nice about him.

I take it all and I will never give it back

this is mine. my life. my everything. 

"you can't take this from me!" the other screamed as he forcefully took the command block out of Xisuma's hand.

"you took everything from me!" (anyone understand that endgame reference?)

I don't feel sorry every time I see you cry

Xisuma was sobbing and hugging a gravestone. it's a lie. he didn't care. he never did. it was staged. he didn't feel sorry to see Xisuma cry.

Every time you start, I'm waiting for your tears to dry

"Are you done?" he asked a crying Xisuma hugging him.

"What...? I thought you were dead! I'm so happy to see you...!" Xisuma said, still hugging him. but he just rolled his eyes, and just stood there until Xisuma let go of him.

I don't really care, and I never will

"stop! that will leave the server in ruins!" Xisuma said as the command block was ripped out of his hand.

"I don't really care, and I never will," he said walking away and not looking back.

That's the way I am, such a bitter pill

as Xisuma continue to sob on his gravestone, he walked away slowly without making a sound. he didn't want Xisuma to know that he was alive. if he really cared then he'll suffer from the loss and he wanted to see him hurt.

"that's the way I am" he whispered and walked away. 

I don't really care, how much silence kills

he didn't really care for anything other then what he wanted to do, he wanted Xisuma and the world to suffer, they were only a mere particle of his plan.

That's the way I am

and that was the way he was. but it wasn't always like this.

No, I wasn't born without a heart

<end of jump flashback> (now it's just a memory/storytelling)

but he wasn't born without a heart, he uses to have emotions and love towards others. he use to be his parent's favorite, well that was until Xisuma came. he was thrown into the void because of Xisuma. every family is only allowed one child or there will not be enough food to go around.

I wasn't always like this, no

his family throws him into the void. he was 15 at the time, he didn't know what was going to happen and when the void spoke, he just followed him, believing everything he said and everything he did. the void was like a father he never had.

Watched you break me, no

until one day someone defeated the Void, making him flying out of the void and landing somewhere... it was a grass plain. he had nothing, he had lost his family again. after walking around town he found out that it was Xisuma, his brother that had distorted his only home.

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