Wholehearted (Run Wild pt.2)

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Warning: nothing, another nice chapter! (but I know you're here for the angst lol)


Look how far we've come
Look where we started from

"ok everyone, onboard the G team ship!" Grian yelled from the top of the ship's deke, there was a little bit of protest from X and False, but everyone else was fine with the name.

Best thing about it is you know we've only just begun
They say life's a dance
10 percent circumstance but
What great adventure ever plays out just the way you've planned it

"so this is where we are going to stay for... how long?" False asked,

" well... until we come back?" Grian said as he walked towards the ship cabinet with everyone's bed.

"wow this is cool, but could we change the name?" X asked as Grian was giving the tour of the ship.

"nope!" Mumbo said as they ended the tour and they are back on the deck.

We'll fly into the turbulence
No telling where we're gonna land
Isn't that just part of this romance?

"ok! this is it! we are going to be leaving!" Grian announced to everyone.

"When are we-" Cub began to asked but Grian cut him off.

"no, no, no, no, no, we don't talk about that, I don't even know but let's go from what I know, we are going to have a lot of fun and going out of our comfort zone.

So when I'm stuck out in the cold
Let me be warm-hearted
When it weighs too much to hold
Let me be light-hearted

after they are off in the ocean, everyone was super excited about everything, but after a while, most people were seasick...

"GRIAN!" Iskall yelled as he was trying not to throw up on the deck.

"Iskall!" grian said the same tone as Iskall, teasing him.

"I'm going to throw up if this continues" Iskall complained.

When all I have is not enough
Won't be broken-hearted
Cuz you taught me how to love, to live to learn
To live wholehearted
Oh, wholehearted

"no one is stopping you!" Grian said with a smirk

"Grian! do something!" someone yelled, it sounded like Mumbo,

"Yes?" Grian said looking down under the deck

"uh, False went overboard..." He muttered

Should we take the easy life?
Should we take the smoother ride?
No need to ask, I see the answer written in your eyes

"uh, how would you know that? you're under the deck... " Grian questioned his sanity,

"well there's a window, and I think I see false," Mumbo said as he led Grian to the window he was looking through.

"oh, my that is False!" Grian said as he ran up on to the deck with Mumbo following him not far behind.

So sail the ship onto the sand
No telling where we're gonna land
Oh that's just part of our romance

"False?!" Grian called out into the ocean,

"Grian?" False said back,

"oh thank god you are there I was so-" Grian was cut 

"oh she told me to tell you that she was going to go for a swim." said X very Calmly.

"what?! FALSE! come back up! you can't just 'go down for a swim'! you'll get hurt!" Grian said frantically trying to find a rope to get her back up.

When I'm stuck out in the cold
Let me be warm-hearted
When it weighs too much to hold
Let me be light-hearted

"Jeez Grian, calm down, I'm no hurt!" False said once she was back on deck and Grian was scowling her.

"don't do that ever again!" Grian said as he walked away thinking the weight might be too much to hold. to see how Cub and Scar were doing, steering the ship to... who knows?

When all I have is not enough
Won't be broken-hearted
Cuz you taught me how to love, to live to learn
To love, to live wholehearted

"How are you guys holding up?" Grian asked,

"this is fun!" Cub said as he turned the ship real hard, making the deck make a concerning noise.

"Cub don't do that!" Scar scowled,

"ok, you guys take care, don't sink the ship." Grian warned befor turning back to the False mess.

When you love somebody
Oh wholehearted
On and on and on we'll go
And to our lives through the unknown
On and on and on we'll fly

it was night time and no one wanted phantoms when they are on an adventure to them all when to the bottom deck with 2 people switching out for steering the ship.

"Are you guys ok with the bed assignment?" Grian asked, a chorus of yeses and oks ringed out. "alright then Mumbo and I are going on the first shift!" Grian called out and went back on deck where Mumbo was waiting for him.

Write the legend of our lives
On and on and on we'll fly
For every day and every night
The greatest stories ever told
Were written with a heart that's

"so when does out shift end?" Mumbo asked Grian when he came up from the bottom.

"just started and you wanna quit?" Grian teased 

"no, no, no, I was just asked, nevermind..." Mumbo said flustering and turning back to the weel

"I'm just kidding Mumbo! it's a 3 hour shift, and you know you don't have to be next the weel the whole time right? come here!" Grian said, mentioning for Mumbo to come over.

So when I'm stuck out in the cold
Let me be warm-hearted
When it weighs too much to hold
Let me be light-hearted
When I'm stuck out in the cold! (let me be warm-hearted)
When it weighs too much to hold! (let me be light-hearted)

"Just relax," Grian said as he sat down on the deck behind the wheel. Mumbo sat down next to him and Grian leaned his head on Mumbo's shoulder.

"look at the stars..." Mumbo said to Grian pointing at the sky.

"they are always brighter when you are lighthearted, that's what the watchers said.

"you're still thinking about them?" Mumbo asked

When all I have is not enough
Won't be broken-hearted
Cuz you taught me how to love, to live, to learn
To love, to live wholehearted
Whole wholehearted
When you love somebody
You live wholehearted

"well yes, how could I forget? I just want to live my life wholeheartedly." Grian said closing his eyes for a brief moment. "they taught be hot to love, to live, to learn, to live wholehearted." Grian said, "it might not have been the best way but I learned." 

"live wholeheartedly... hmm, that's some wise words Grian," Mumbo muttered

"Yeah, I just hope when all I have is not enough, I won't be broken-hearted." Grian said befor he fell asleep.

Whole, wholehearted
Oh you taught me how to love, to live, to learn
To live wholehearted

"look how far we've come, look where we started from... " Mumbo muttered and he lends his head on Grian. "wait, Grian! you can't sleep! we're on a shift- ugh never mind you lazy butt"

boom! just as promised! a chapter! wow! anyways, there might be another update this week, but yeah... I'll post more next week, but then I have finals. I could actually post more on finals week, cuz I finished way befor the time so I just write. (this is how I started Wattpad lol, it's from being bored of finals lol) but anyways, imma gonna go do more prep for SO, so baiiiiiiiiiiii!

-procrastination Stuffy :)

edit: hai so I'm continuing dis thing but ye I came back to look and I made some changes! <3

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