like glass shatters pt.2

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the next day, as Iskall and Mumbo was trying t make some Redstone trap for if the evil hermits came, they would be traped, and Grian, on the other hand, was trying to figure out why this was happening, and he remembered something, when he left Evo to come to Hermitcraft they were NOT happy, and the other watchers told him that they will back for him one day,and he didn't think that they weren't joking.

"wait!" Grian yelled as Mumbo and Iskall looked up from where they were working from, "I think I know who is behind all this! we need to call a meeting right now!" Grian yelled again.

"ok, so do you want me to call the meeting, or..." Mumbo asked, confused.

"I'll call it, just get ready ok?" Grian said,

"Alright, we're ready, call it!" Iskall yelled from the top of Grian's base. after Grian called the meeting and everyone was in the poetry man's cave again except for team awesomeness, Grian explained everything, and they all heard a voice...

"We only came for Grian, and no one else, if you bring him to hermitvill, at the hippy commune, then no one will be hurt, we'll give you 24hr to decide, if not then you don't want to know what will happen to the rest of you." and the voice stopped.

"uh... I think I know that voice... "Xisuma said, "I think it was Cub, but why would he want Grian?"

"maybe he was possessed?" Bdubes asked as team awesomeness shuffled in with there head down,

"hey guys! w-" Grian started but was interrupted by false saying,

"we lost Ren. he was lost and we can't find him, and we found his message on my communicator, " as False showed the message everyone crowed around, it says,

False! Help! at new-- ne-- her-mit-vil-I--- tak-en-- d-co7-7- red----- ey-e-s-po-se-se-d-------

"so... doc77? it's spelled wrong, but I assume he was saying that he had red eyes and was possessed?" Grian asked

"yeah, we're not sure either." false said, "but we know he is taken and probably possessed too."

"b-but how do we stop this from happening again?" Xisuma asked

"I don't know, but maybe if we all stay together?" Grian suggested.

"I think that is the best plan we've got!" Iskall said looking at grian,

"maybe two teams might be easier?" Xsiuma asked and everyone agreed on that. 

hey ya peeps! so I've been a little busy, but we don't have skool for the next two days so that's good. and I just finished my math test lol. welp, I have nothing more to say now! baiiiiiiiii!

-happy Stuffy :)

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