like glass shatters pt.4

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with the other team, it was a whole new level, they hid in one of the old bunkers for the Dismise game, and they thought that they are safe, but no...

"Hey, did you guys hear that?" X asked

"wh-what? n-no..." Scar said, and there was a crash, and then there was blackness for X and Scar. after a bit, Cleo and Bdubs comes in and looks around,

"where did they go?" Cleo asked as she turns around, Bdubs was gone too, and there was Doc, standing there, at first Cleo thought it was really him, the Doc who was missing, but when she took a second look, she realized his eyes were misty and a little bit too red, and his robotic parts were a little rusty, he'd always keep it clean if he can because he said that when it's rusty, it was hard to walk, so this wasn't the real Doc! Cleo realized that and took out her diamond sword and ran, faster than she ever thought she could, ran in the directions of Grian's base, she could take shelter there, and then she hears footsteps, footsteps of Doc, she knew he can't outrun her with those rusty robotic parts, but she knew that he can throw trident, very well. 

back in Grian's base, after Grian's break down, he when back to some panicky Mumbo and Iskall,

"Grian! oh, good, there you are, Cleo just ran to us saying that Doc was chasing her!" Iskall said

"oh... I think we should all stick together, where is the other?" Grian asked

"oh... uhh... I don't know, when I came back, they were gone! Bdubs was still with me when we got back there, then I turned around and he was gone, and Doc was just standing there so I ran!" Cleo said as she collapses on to Grian's bed.

"Someone give her some water, but Doc might be still around, be on the lookout if you see him don't be afraid to shoot," Grian said as everyone grabbed their swords and bow.

"wait, is False still outside!?" Iskall asked Grain,

"oh no..." Grian said as he ran outside and find False gone.

"Grian... come on... it's not your fault." Mumbo said as he came beside Grian. Grian heard him aright, but he didn't believe him, he knew this would happen, and he's got to do what he has to do.

hey ya peeps! sorry, this was slow for my usually update speed, but anyways enjoy! and please someone give me ideas that go with the polt please! (if you need the plot, go to the spoiler chapter!)

--oofed Stuffy :)

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