bunch of unfinished stories you guys can finish lol

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so, here's some unfinished writings that you guys can finish if you want or some plot for writing practices and whatnot. if you end up publishing your story or something, please tag me so I can read it! later I might come back and grab some ideas from here, just like a hot mess here!

setting: when the area 77 stuff was happening and hippies.

warning: death, violence, abuse, blood, betrail (some sort), and possessed 

it was a normal day for the hippies, continuing the storyline of area 77 and stuff for the viewers. Grian decided it was a good day to enter area 77 to see what they are doing and thing so he flew over the fence but immediately he felt pain in his sides and Grian was falling, and falling, and then fainted. 

"How dare he..." he heard a voice as he woked up, he was in what it looked like a lab room.

"I-I don't think y-you shou-ld do-do this..." said a scared and broken voice then there was a sound of someone hitting another, and a thump, and a cry of pain. 

"you said that like you're in charge." the other voice said.

"I-I thought w-we were do-doing this t-together..." said the broken voice, it sounded like he was crying.

"you thought? haha!" the other voice said laughing.

"y-you said-" the other voice said befor he was cut off by another slap.

"shut up! we need to do the operation befor he wakes up!" the voice now said and Grian assumed that they meant him.

"w-what? we can't d-do that to h-him..." the weaker voice said

"I didn't ask and I don't care what you think anyway." the voice said as he approached Grian, the Grian felt a sharp pain on his arm making him jolt up to a sitting position.

"wha- what was that? D-Doc? y-you?" Grian stuttered out as he saw Doc standing there a little startled,  holding a knife and a Scar who was sitting on the ground, crying, he was bruised almost everywhere with lots of cuts all over him and he was noticeably way skinnier.

"ugh, look at that! he woke up! this was all your fault!" Doc said as he kicked Scar over and over again, making him back up into a wall.

"hey! stop that!" Grian yelled and tried to get off the bed but there were bondings on his limbs. Doc saw that he was trying to get off the bed so he turned his attention back to him and pressed him on to the bed.

"don't even try, it was your fault for trespassing here," Doc said, still pressing hard on his chest.

"b-but I just wanted to see how you guys were doing!" Grian said, looking at Scar. 

"you know that's not allowed right? I know you know not to come here. but yet you're still here, so what shall we do?" Doc said, looking around the room.  

"Trust Funds Baby"

I don't want a girl who gets a car for her sweet sixteen
Or spends a stack of dollar bills on a limousine
I want a girl who takes the bus and who wears baggy jeans
Rockin' Nike Airs, what the hell are Louboutins?

Iskall was from a rich family, and it was a big family, and it was Christmas dinner time so Iskall was trying to prepare himself from what's coming up for him, questions about if he has a girlfriend or not, and what his standers were on a girlfriend. "their standers are crap." Iskall laughed a dry laugh, "ha, yeah, they'll disown me soon."

"Iskall, come down to say hello! hurry! why are you so slow these days?" his mom called, she wasn't exactly the nice kind of mom, yes Iskall has the newest iPhone and all the expensive produce other people can only dream about, but his family isn't really what people see

Don't want no fake tan, short skirt, daddy's money don't work
Shop until you drop on the town
I want a smart girl, stronger than her father
Someone who will laugh and tryna fit in the crowd (ah-ow, ow)

his family is strict on what kind of Girlfriend he has, who they are, what they wear, and most importantly, how rich is her family. Iskall didn't care for the money part, he already has enough. He didn't know what he wanted, but he knew it's not the kind his family wants. Iskall thought of when he was little, all he wanted was money and fame, now he's got enough of that, he wants something... different.

"Iskall! hurry up!" His mom called again, impatient.

"oh yes, sorry!"

And all we used to dream about
Is getting rich and getting out
Move to the nicer part of town
Where we'd have numbers on our house

Iskall went down the stairs and greeted all his relatives and then the questions came.

It took a while to figure out
What type of girl that I'm about
Who brings the real man out of me, yah
I don't really want no trust fund baby
I like my women independent
And I say to people, "that's my lady"
And we don't need nothing e-e-e-lse

I don't want no trust fund baby
Save your money, don't spend it
And I say to people, "that's my lady"
And we don't need nothing e-e-e-lse

I don't want a girl who takes selfies, want her make up free
Don't want no mean girl lady, a pink prom queen
I want a girl who climbs trees, always dirt on her jeans
Her daddy told her how to fix cars, maybe she could fix me
I need a throwback kid who loves Missy Elliot
Who for my birthday, makes a mixtape and puts it on cassette
Want a girl with common sense, who's dripping in confidence
Don't wanna die to get rich but she loves Fifty Cent (ah-ow, ow)And all we used to dream about
Is getting rich and getting out
Move to the nicer part of town
Where we'd have numbers on our house
It took a while to figure out
What type of girl that I'm about
Who brings the real man out of me, yahI don't really want no trust fund baby
I like my women independent
And I say to people, "that's my lady"
And we don't need nothing e-e-e-lse
I don't want no trust fund baby
Save your money, don't spend it
And I say to people, "that's my lady"
And we don't need nothing e-e-e-lseI don't want no
I don't want no trust fund baby (no, I don't want me)
I just want me a proper lady (no, I don't want me)
I don't want no trust fund baby (no, I don't want me)I don't really want no trust fund baby
I like my women independent (hey!)
And I say to people, "that's my lady" (that's my lady, na-na-na-na-na)
And we don't need nothing e-e-e-lseI don't want no
I don't want no trust fund baby (no, I don't want me)
I just want me a proper lady (no, I don't want me)
I don't want no trust fund baby (no, I don't want me)
No, I don't want me

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