demons (Run Wild pt.4)

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warning: ugh why do I even bother with dis anymore? just don't read if u no likey

*time skip of a day later*

all the crew was up and early this morning to they decided to start breakfast early. but when everyone got there they noticed that someone was missing. Grian. 

"guys, where is Grian?" Mumbo asked,

"he's probly sleeping in." Iskall said, brushing the problem aside. after they had landed next to the island, Grian still didn't show up.

"um, should we get Grian befor we explore this island? he said he knows this island...  he's seen it before so..." False said befor stepping down on to the beach. all there was on the beach was a prison looking house. then Mumbo then heard a scream for help, and deep down he knew it was Grian's

When the days are cold
And the cards all fold

and so he ran, ran to the house crash open the door and continue to run, running towards the sound of Grian's voice. then it hit him. he was in a maze of cages... and the only thing he can hear was his own footsteps and Grian's scream, everything was closing in, it was all going to collapse of Mumbo and-

"Mumbo? why are you here?!"

And the saints we see
Are all made of gold

"G-Grian?" Mumbo asked looking around, then he heard a whimper from his left and he looked down, seeing Grian laying in one of the cages. no it was the real Grian. 

"hi, Mumbo. I really didn't want you seeing me like this. you shouldn't be here. you need to leave right now." Grian babbled waving his arm aimlessly, it seems like he can't see what he was doing.

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail

"w-what happened? why are you like this?" Mumbo questioned, leaning down to Grian's level

"I... I was a watcher ok? I didn't want to tell you guys because I thought people would hate me. but I guess now the news is out and you all have the right to hate me." Grian said still looking at nothing, it was at this point, Mumbo noticed that where there was suppose to be eyeballs, it was black.

Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

"no Grian. we would never! but what happened you your eyes? and you don't look like a watcher" Mumbo said, looking over Grian

"I... I was a watcher. when I tried to escape, they turned me into a demon that will only listen to their command. the downside of that is that they have to make me blind so I can't see where I am and who I was hurting."

I want to hide the truth
I want to shelter you

"I wanted to his the truth, I wanted to shelter you all. but that's all left in the dirt now. Mumbo, listen to me. if you leave now, you may have a chance of-" Grian said befor Mumbo cuts in,

"no Grian, I'm not leaving without you!" Mumbo whisper yelled.

But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

"but with this, me, there's nowhere we can hide!" Grian said, his arm bumping into the iron cage door and pushing it open.

"The door is open Grian, come out!" Mumbo said happiness in his voice.

No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed

"I can't mumbo. I can move my legs unless someone instructs me to... you have to go! I'm begging you!" Grian said,

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