I want to die (no, this is not an author's notes either! I wanna die tho)

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Iskall looked up to the sky and it was red, it was sun rise, he's been thinking and replaying the moment of her death for far too long, and he didn't think he could hold on for any longer, his sanity was slipping under his grasp and it felt like he was falling when he realized that it was Christmas day, the day he's suppes to propose to Stress. He thought again about how careless he was when the car crashed and he was full with quilt and a thought entered his brain and that is to die to end all this pain.

"Why me?" Iskallsaid out loud to no one and looked at his roof and pulled out a tiny bottle from his pocket, it was a tiny bottle of gray death, one of the most popular drugs that kills you in one small dose, he stole it from the hospital when ever he was still there after the crash, he meant to kill himself right after he got out of the hospital but he had to tell on a little longer for Stress. He looked at it and looked back inside the house and sees everyone sleeping and took out a pen and paper and started to write the last letter he'll every write and said a silent sorry to everyone he's ever cared about and decided at the that this was the last hour he was going to live, he didn't want to continue living life if his insanity was slipping, he would go crazy, and he didn't want to be insain with guilt for the rest of his life, he better spend the last hour good, and by that, he means look over at all his life mistakes in trying to make him self less guilty for killing him selves, look at all the stupid mistake I made! I deserve to die! He thought to himself. He hoped that no one comes out until it was too late because he might change his mind and he didn't want to, he wanted to die.

In the blink of an eye

Life flashed

Right in front of my eyes

Never knew that the fear

Could cripple my chest

In the blink of an eye

The light left

So lonely it is

So lonely tonight is

And I wish I knew why

Yeah, I wish I knew why

I need You more

Yeah, I need you more

More than ever before

Yeah, I need you more

(I need you more, by: For Kings and Country)

Grian walked out and saw Iskall crying and he almost never cried, and he only cried when he knew that Stress had died, but when he walked out to the patio he saw him trying to climb up the roof,

"What are you doing?" Grian asked him

"umm, trying to get on the roof?" Iskallanswered her

"why? Get down here!" Grian yelled at him as he found a way up,

"no!" Iskallyelled,

"I deserve to die! I killed Stress!" and then he looked like he was about to jump off of his one-story house,

"your not going to die from this fall!" Grian said, "you're just going to suffer more a- and Stress wouldn't want that!"

"NO! DON'T! STOP! DON'T PULL THE 'Stress WON'T LIKE THAT CARD'!!!" Iskall yelled with a tear in his eyes, and holds out a tiny bottle,

"I have my ways to die, I'm not that dumb! I know that I won't die from the one-story jump! But I'll die from this!"

"NO! STOP! DON'T DO THIS! PLEASE!!!" Grian yelled now with tears in his eyes too, as he yelled

"NO! I'M SORRY! I CAN'T STAY ANYMORE!" Iskall drank the tiny bottle and fell from the roof.

"ISKALL!?" Grian yelled in a desperate voice and he ran over to him and see that he's still breathing,

"Iskall! W-what, why?!" Grian said as Iskallsaid with his dying breath,

"tell False and Cleo I'm sorry, and here..." he handed him a crumpled paper, and then he stopped breathing.

"Iskall... WHY?!" Grian yelled to no one particular and looked at the paper in her hand and opened the crumpled paper. Then and there, Grian knew that Iskall was dead.

If hope is what you're after

I can take it and turn it into rain

Your tears become laughter

I will catch them and turn them back again

Yeah I will catch them and twist them back again

When you're upside down, then you see it all

That you spend all your time pushing on a pull door

You made a plan

You think you're in control

Yeah, you're flying

But you're way too high to fall

And hey man

Check around the corner

Because it's coming

Here's your wakeup call

Don't hear Me coming?

I'm your wakeup call

When you're upside down, then you see it all

Everything's the wrong way around but clearer than before

When you're upside down, then you see it all

That you spend all your time pushing on a pull door

I will shake you

I will make your shattered dreams unwind

Because it's only when it comes to pieces

Only then this time increases

You will find the piece that you've been dying for

You'll realize that all this time

You've been pushing on a pull door

You've been pushing on a pull door

(pushing on a pull door, by: for Kings and Country)

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