I love you

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When Iskall and Grian walked out of the bathroom they find False and Cleo comforting a crying Stress, from what they can hear she was complaining that she made Iskall sad and blamed herself. Then Stress looked up and saw them, Iskall saw her eyes land on Grian's face and stood up and hugged him saying sorry, and Grian hugged back, now Iskall has another urge to punch Grian but he held back. Then Stress let go of Grian and looked at Iskall then she burst out in tears again, but she didn't hug him, she just stood there sobbing. Iskall thought to take matters into his hands and he went up to Stress and hugged her and told her not to worry.

"You stupid Iskall!" Stress said hugging him back,

"What?" Iskall asked,

"Why didn't you tell me why you asked? I would have said to you! I like it! But I didn't want things to be difficult between us so I just said that!" Stress yelled at him still crying.

"I-im sorry... I didn't know..." Iskall stuttered, a little confused about this situation.

"Ugh, it's fine, but next time don't do that or else I'm sending False or Cleo to get you!" Stress said

"Hey, if it happens again i'm not going-" False was saying but got cut off by Grian covering her mouth.

"Don't say that!" Grian whispered to False,

"Wait, why?" False asked,

"Tell you later, he has depression and everything so just try not to insult him too much for hurting me ok?" Grian said with a wink, as False sighed.

"Do you like me?" Iskall asked

"I do." Stress said.

Did Stress just say that she likes me?! I must be dreaming! Iskall though and he pinched himself just to be sure, and he wasn't dreaming it was true!

"Really?" Stress asked

"Really," Iskall said and he hugged her, he doesn't usually like other people touching him but this is a whole different feeling, he fell so many things at once, he never had this feeling ever before. It felt like he was on cloud or that he was drinking a cup of hot cocoa in a cold winter day sitting next to the fireplace, or that he was hugging the person he loved for years.

"I love you..." Stress said

"You love me?" Iskall asked, no one has ever said those words to him, he never knew what love meant, he was scared to be loved too, his parents said that they were pushing him and that they loved him. He didn't feel the love that his parents "gives" him. His second parent didn't show him any love either, he was adopted into another abusive family, and he was in the hospital once again, but this time because the dad broke his neck. It was always that dad.

'I do love you." Stress said, snapping Iskall out of his thoughts.

"Then I guess I love you too, not that kind of love..." Iskall said,

"What do you mean?" Stress asked, letting go of Iskall's hug, he missed the warm.

"Umm, I never told anymore my background... I had abusive parents that said that they loved me... so... I don't want to hurt you... I don't want to be like them." Iskall said, it was like a bag lifted off his head, he can breathe again, he had ever told this to anyone, he thought that if he said anything about it everyone will hate him, that is one of the reasons he suffered from depression.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Iskall asked at the end,

"Yes! " Stress said, and he leaned in and kissed her.

When I first met you

The moment moved me

I still remember

Your soul of beauty

It stole me away, away

Richer or poorer

Better or worse

Could we be together

Could we make it work

If love is patient

And if love is kind

Oh God, give me a sign

You've got me thinking

This is love, this is love, this is love that I'm feeling

This is love, this is love, this is love I believe it

I'll kiss you only

Darling, I promise

To hold you gently

And still be the strongest

I'm yours completely

No matter what comes our way

I'll love you till the end of my days

Till the end of my days

Could've never imagined

We'd find each other

A classic romantic

Of unlikely lovers

Some kind of magic

How two can turn into one, to one

( This is Love, by: for Kings and Country)

hey guys! my mom just gave me and lecture that made me feel like crap so I came to write stuff. anyways, here is the chapter, and I think I might be able to post one more today, mk baiiiiii!

-Crappy Stuffy :!

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