I hope you know you matter

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one-shot, warning: hurt, and just depression in general. 

hurt/comfort: Mumbo/Grian (just friends!) song involved, if you can, you might want to play the song with the chapter? just a suggestion.

(so this is what's been happening in my mind like this book is just depressing thoughts I have but in a story from yay)


"ugh! why can't I just do one thing right!" Grian yelled frustrated at himself as he was working on Sahara. Mumbo and Iskall have just left after the opening of Sahara but he hanged around for a little bit more, he didn't mean to throw in the potato, he was just clumsy, he messed up the Redstone that probably took Mumbo and Iskall forever to make, when they found out he just played off as a joke.

All of the dreams that haven't come true
And all of the hurt that happened to you

"hey, Grian! what are you working on at this hour? g-grian...?" Mumbo asked as he sees Grian curled up in the corner of the meeting room with his head in his keens. "Grian... what's wrong?" Mumbo asked again when Grian didn't respond to him.

"it's nothing Mumbo, could you leave for a second? I need to get myself together, I'll meet you out there in a second." Grian said obviously crying from his stuffy voice.

It matters, I hope you know it matters

"Grian... you know I care about you... you matter, please just tell me what's wrong?" Mumbo asked again.

You felt the pain of a bitter defeat
Where the weight of the grief is more bitter than sweet

"I don't' know, just please, it doesn't matter. I don't want you to see me like this, I'll meet you outside Mumbo, please leave," Grian said, sobbing more and Mumbo could see his tears drop to the floor.

"Grian it... ok, I'll be waiting for you outside," Mumbo said

It matters, I'm telling you it matters

"but befor I go, I just need to tell you that it matters, I'm telling you it matters," Mumbo said as he left the room.

To the one who spoke and set the sun ablaze
To the one who stopped the storm and walked the waves

when Grian walked out of the meeting room with his head down, Mumbo was right there, waiting for him with his arms open for him and as he looked at Mumbo with still teary eyes.

"Why do you even bother with me?" Grian asked Mumbo.

To the one who took the tree so He could say
You matter, I hope you know you matter

"Grian, you've got to understand that you're not perfect, you're not going to be perfect, but it's not like anyone's perfect... you matter, I hope you know you matter," Mumbo said as he held Grian in his arms and he cried again.

I know it's not easy, not saying it's fair
But close as a prayer somebody cares

You're a treasure, I hope you know you're treasured

"I-I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't me-mean to drop the po-potato in t-the red-redstone... " Grian stuttered as he continued to sob into Mumbo. he could feel the tears sinking into his white shirt, but he didn't care, he just wanted grian to know that he's treasured.

"Hey... I just want you to know that you're a treasure, I hope you know that you're treasured, I know it's not east, not saying it's fair, but close as a prayer somebody cares." Mumbo said as he held Grian closer.

So hold your head high, wait for the dawn

"hold your head high, wait for the dawn Grian, be brave, we all love you even though you make mistakes. we all do from time to time too." Mumbo said as he led Grian on to the rooftop of Sahara and looked at the sunsets together.

Keep hanging on, your sadness will turn into laughter
Watch it turn into laughter, yeah

"mumbo... I don't know how much longer I can hold on... when the time is right, will you let me go?" Grian asked Mumbo didn't know how to answer that so he simply said,

"Just keep hanging on, your sadness will turn into laughter."

You matter, heaven knows you matter

"you matter, heaven knows you matter Grian, just believe me on this please, I can't afford to let you go."

Let the water spill from your eyes
Let it wash the wounds of those lies

Oh, let the water spill from your eyes

"But I'm weak, I'll cry, what if I cry in front of other people? they'll think I'm weak, they wouldn't want me here anymore." Grian said now looking at the sunset with Mumbo.

"Just let it go Grian, no need to hold it all in, we'll all still love you even though you cry, also crying doesn't mean that you're weak, everyone needs to let their emotions out some times," Mumbo said, tipping Grian's head towards himself.

All that you are, all that you'll be

"just let it all out, all that you are, and all that you'll be, let it go and watch how it ends, you won't regret it." 

Someone put the beat in your heart so that you'll see
You matter

"Someone is going to put that beat in your heart so that you'll see you matter," Mumbo said putting his other arm around Grian.

"that someone already did... it was you, if it wasn't for you, I might just have jumped from the top of this roof, without you, I might not be here right now," Grian said leaning in to Mumbo, he hugged grian harder, he couldn't blive that Grian was going to kill himself, so he just said,

You matter, heaven knows you matter
You matter, I hope you know you matter
You matter, heaven knows you matter

"just know that you matter, heaven knows that you matter." 

hey guys! I literally just had a mental break down, but whatever, anyways, if like this kind of writing, tell me and I'll do more! anyways, I'm working on other chapters! (this is the first one shot in this one-shot book lol) mk, baiiiii!

-achieved Stuffy :)

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