like glass shatters pt.7

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"AHH! What do you want from me?!" Scar yelled as he was slammed to the floor.

"I don't want anything from you, my master needs you." the person said

"C-cub? who, why? why are you-" Scar was cut off as Cub slapped him to shut him up, and pulled Scar by his collar up and pinned him to the wall, but Scar was faster, he wrenched his arm free from cub as pulled back his hood and he gasped, it wasn't Cub, he's beard was overgrown, hair wayyy too long, but most importantly his eyes is red and it was misty.

"Cub! Cub! It's me! Scar! don't you know me? Concorp? our shops?" Scar asked 

"what shop? and I don't know what a "concorp" is. stop fooling around, just stop struggling." cub said as he started into Scar's teary eyes, making him shrink back.

"y-you don't?" then and there Scar gave up all hope of getting his cub back so he just let him take him, to where ever he wanted Scar to go to, some kind of mind washing monster to took Cub away from his Scar. 

"so now you don't fight?" Cub asked scar as he started to break down

"ho-how could I? you don't even remember me!" Scar said crying more.

"not remember you? of course I remember you! you are the one that ruined my life! how could I forget how you made me drank that potion that made me who I am? it was you that killed who I had loved, the people that I loved, my friend, you put Xisuma on a sword tip to delete me from this server, so I'm back now to get revenge, even though I failed last time, I won't this time, this is my last chance at this." Cub said as tears are streaming down his face too. 

"I-I me? I didn't do-" Scar said befor cub cut him off by slamming him back on to the ground on his face and bending his arm behind his back.

"you did?" Cub said bending his arm back farter as Scar begin to cry out.

"Please stop! I didn't do it! whoever made you think that was lying!" Scar said as he tried to wrench his arm free.

"they are lying? they are the ones that brought me back on to the server! without them, I won't be here today." Cub said as he bends Scar arm back and heard something like a bone-cracking and a glass-shattering scream from Scar. 

"now we can go," Cub said as he dragged Scar up by his broken arm as he screamed again and slammed him face-first into the wall as Scar tasted blood as Cub tied Scar's arm behind his back. 

"now you drink this..." Cub said as he turned Scar over on and forced a pinkish potion into his mouth and he didn't even fight him. Cub broke his arm, his nose, and most importantly, his heart.

hey guys! isn't that a depressing chapter? this week I've been feeling extra crappy (thanks to thebirdfantasy who cheered me up!)so more depressing chapters for you guys! anyways, which one do you guys like better? incorrect quotes (or funny chapters) or depressing ones? I'm good writing both! I think there is going to be another part on Scar's POV so yeah mk, baiiii!

-mentally unstable Stuffy :)

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