on the way

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Halfway to Canada they decided to stop at a Subway to eat dinner, and False and Cleo were yelling Sooubway very loudly, and Grian was telling them to be quiet. After they'd finished their food and were on their way again, and this time on Iskall and Stress's Car, something interesting has happened when Stress accidentally put her hand on his, something Iskall didn't really know how to explain, it was this feeling of hot happiness spreading from his hand to his whole body, he looked at Stress to see that she was blushing too, and she quickly moved her hand and the feeling left as fast as it had come. Right then Iskall knew that he liked her, it was love that made his stomach do flip flops, it was love that makes his head all spiny when he sees her, and It was love that made the warm happiness spread up his hand. He looked at her again, thinking to himself if he should say something, but he quite liked the silence, it wasn't awkward or anything, it was just quite with Stress looking out of the window and Iskall driving. Now back to the other car, It was crazy, it was Doi's turn to drive and she was all winy with False getting mad at Grian Because he drinks her tea, and Grian trying to explain himself but failing. Just when Cleo was quitting her wining and got driving, False yelled,

"look! Isktrss is happening!" and with Grian saying, "oh! I shipped them!"

"THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS! For like a second lol" and Grian was angry at her for giving fails alarms. Back with Stress and Iskall this time when Iskall looked at Stress, she was looking back at him and they both blushed and smiled at each other awkwardly.

"So..." Iskall started, trying to break the silence,

"didn't False plan the trip? And you're like her best friend... so... what are we doing there? Cuz she's not telling me..." oof, bad start to trying to get her to like yourself! Iskall, he thought to himself.

"Umm, well she didn't really tell me anything either... so... sorry I don't know." Stress said is the smallest voice ever.

"What...? Can't hear you..." Iskall said,

"o-oh..." Stress tried to say and blushed so hard her face is tomato red

"umm, I said that she didn't tell me anything either" she said that a little bit louder, but Iskall still can't hear her, but he thought it was too awkward to make her repeat it again, so he just said

"oh! Ok, thanks!" and Stress just looked at him weirdly and proceeds to read from her book. With the other car, it was sooo much difference, they were playing truth or dare and False and Grian had a bet on who can get Isktrss together first and Cleo was pissed off the whole time. False was dared to drink her tea that Grian had drunk and Cleo was shipping everyone. After a few more hours of weirdness and blushing on Stress's part, they arrived at the hotel and the girls were in one room and the guys were in one room. The next day they where on their way again and this time Stress made sure that she wasn't on the same car as Iskall alone, and Iskall thought she didn't like him and wanted to get away from him, but she was just embarrassed, so she requested on a car with Cleo but Cleo wanted Isktrss to happen so she made Iskall on the same car and Stress was mad at her for doing that. False was also mad that she was stuck with Grian. The car ride to Canada was boring and just always happened like Grian drinking False's tea, Cleo shipping Isaktrss, and Stress blushing for like a gazillion time. And finally, they arrived in Canada at 2 o'clock in the morning and everyone is dead on the inside and wanting to sleep.

How will we save a life pointing fingers?

How can we end the fight this way?

When blame is the truth we're preaching

And lies are what we're believing

No one ever wins when the goal is to settle the score

I will be the first to say I'm far from perfect

Grace was made for those who don't deserve it

So easy to cast the first stone,

But harder to search your own soul

No one ever wins when the goal is to settle the score

Teach us how to live humbly

Love unconditionally

Transform our hurts into hope

Grant us your peace

(Ceasefire, by: For Kings and Country)

hey guys! so I'm writing this chapter when I'm supposed to study for my test yay! gonna fail guys! anyways, here is the chapter hope you like it and yeah! I might post a lot of my chapters today cuz I have study hall and I just write books in stuffy hall lol, mk, baiiiiiii!

-failing Stuffy :)

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