why would you do that?

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                          It was the next day and everyone is up and they are going to see Niagara Falls (had to search up "Tourist Attractions in Canada" lol-Stuffy) they are going to stay in a treehouse that night that is near Niagara Falls. Iskall was getting ready to get on their way that's when there was a knock on the door and he went to open it hoping it would be Stress, but instead Grian came in and sat on his bed and Iskall just looked at him,

"what?" Grian asked, "do I have something on my face?"

"well, no but you don't just come into someone's room and sit on their bed without and explanation..." Iskall said,

"well, I mean, do you have a little something for Stress?" Grian asked with a wink,

"uh, why would you ask that question?" Iskall said not wanting to admit the truth.

"Well you see Iskall, me and False was both spying on your car with Stress on the first day and we saw you guys holding hands and you and her bother blushing, now don't turn away like you don't know what I'm talking about!" Grian said raising his voice a little by the frustration Iskall is giving him.

"Hey! I'm not turning away, I'm just... ok you know what? Fine, I do like her, but don't tell anyone-" Iskall said before Grian is running out of the door calling

"AHH! I knew it! False! I won the bet!"

"never mind I guess... " Iskall said and closing his door to finish getting ready. After everyone got ready and is almost on their way when False asked where they were going to do for the day at Niagara Falls,

"wait, aren't you the one who planned the trip?" Iskall asked her,

"umm today is supposed to be planned by Grian though..." False said and everyone looked at Grian.

"Umm, well you see I had stuff to do and uh, I um didn't have time for uh planning for the umm trip... yeah..." Grian stuttered. False sighed and said

"but I give you a month to do it! Ugh, well I guess we just have to go and see then!" as she glared at Grian and he laughed sheepishly. After they got the seating assignment fixed which is Stress with Iskall and Cleo in one car and an angry False, who was complaining none stop about being in the same car as Grian in the other one. When they got to Niagara falls they didn't know what to do because no one planned anything and False was still mad at Grian for forgetting to plan the trip.

"So... are we going to go in or..." Iskall asked

"Ugh! apparently not because Grian forgot to buy the tickets too!" False nearly screamed at Grian

"Ok! Geez! Sorry! Grian said raising both of his hands

"Hmph, fine, well should we go get tickets?" False asked

"Should we vote?" Cleo asked, Iskall didn't like the idea, he meant to ask Stress out today near the water and he thinks it will be cool, but what if Stress votes no? Ugh! Too much to think about!

"Yeah that's a good idea..." False said,

"I vote in favor of going!" Grian said

"Sure same here" False said,

"I guess I'll go with False" Stress said, yes! Iskall though, now I can tell her!

"Umm I-I'll go!" Iskall said and stutterd a little

"Ok, so we'll go and get the tickets with Cleo then!" False said cheerfully. Good, Iskall thought, he can stay back with Stress alone, he hopes Grian would tag along with Cleo so he tells her.

"Umm Hednerson I think you should buy the tickets, cuz you forgot and it's your fault." Cleo said.

"Ugh, you guys are going to make me pay for all of it?!" Hednerson said sighing,

"Yup! I hope your not going to be broke after this!' False said and Hednerson signed even more, and walked over the the ticket booth with False and Cleo and me and Stress finally have some alone time!

"So... Stress? Umm who do you like? Like a crush?" Iskall asked, testing the water of this conversation,

"Umm, you won't know him though... I mean his name is Isaac if you wanna know..." Stress said, oh, Iskall thought, it's not me then, I have no hope! Such failure! Iskall thought, he was about to cry, crying over a girl? Iskall! What has become of you! He silently was mad at himself.

"Umm, can you please tell False, Cleo, and Grian that I went to the bathroom when they come back please?" Iskall asked Stress, he didn't want to cry in front of Stress. But as Iskall was walking into the bathroom trying so hard to hold back his tears, he failed and one dropped on the ground and Stress saw.

Sharp stones, broke bones

Truth hurts, yeah, you know

You tried, backfired

You and your busted soul

Lost love, set back

Tough luck, off-track

Rain clouds on your head

Everywhere you go

Tears come and you'll follow

Like lightning and the rainbow

Like darkness and the day show

Yeah, the best is yet to come

(Never give up, by: for Kings and Country)

hey guys! more depressing story coming up! just wait, the next chapter might make you cry so... uhh yeah! mk, baiii!

-dying Stuffy :)

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