more incorrect quotes cuz im bored yay

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Doc: *points out snake on the ground*

Grian: *gasp* it' a danger noodle!

Mumbo: I'll give you a few minutes to redo your plans for today.

Grian: no need. my only plan was to buy skittles. *eats skittles and barf rainbow*

Mumbo: Grian, we're crossing the street, take my hand.

Iskall: dude. his's 17...

Grian: uncle Iskall? can you buy me hi-chews...?

Iskall: ...he's not 17.

Police: 911, what is your emergency?

Grian: someone broke into my house!

Mumbo in the distance: I'M YOUR ROOMATE!

Grian: aH hE FOunD mE!!! HeLP

Villian: *doing villainy stuff*

Doc: *burst through the door, knocking out 15 henchmen and brakes an innocent pillar*

False: *Shatters window as she flies in, performers sick mid-air kick*

Stress: *drops down behind villain and pops out gun*

Grian: *rolls in 15min later on wheelies and Starbucks*

Mumbo who is late for a Sahara meeting: I'm late, I'm late, I'm late-

Mumbo: * gets hit by a train*

Mumbo: *gets up immediately* I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!

Grian: *comes in late for a Sahra meeting* I almost got supposed adopted this morning!

Iskall: wut

Mumbo: he means he almost got kidnaped.

Iskall: ...

Doc: *shuts down*


Mumbo: *makes a window shut down sound*

Mumbo: I love murder mystreys

Grian, trying to impress him: I'm the suspect for dozens of them

Mumbo: I'm the cool parents, that's my thing, I'm hip. I surf the web. LOL laugh out loud, WTF why the face. I know all the dances from high school musical.

Grian: he said what?

Mumbo: why is there blood everywhere?

Grian: I might have aggressively poked someone with aone pron super sharp fork.

Mumbo: you stabbed someone?

Grian: no, I aggressively poked someone with a one pron super sharp fork.

oof im back peeps. imeanineverlestbutok anyways, I need new ideas for chapters so plzhelpmeh. kk bai!

-Stuffyneedshelp :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now