nuu, muh Sahara! pt.2

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as grian flies out of the building crying he found out that he is running out of rockets so he decided to land outside Sahara and fix his inventory and maybe go mend all his tools so he can have sometime to think about what just happened.

"hey, Grian! what's up bro?" Said Xisuma, oblives of anything happening.

"h-hey..." Grian said hicupping a little.

"what's wrong?" Xisuma asked with concern visible on his face,

"n-nothing... I got kicked out of Sahara." Grian said.

"what? but I thought you are the CEO of Sahara though?" Xisuma said now confused too.

"y-yeah... I kicked my self out..." Grian said

"why would you do that now? what about Mumbo and Iskall? what do they think?" Xisuma said now really confused about this situation.

"well you see the Redstone blew up and Iskall thinks that I did it... but I didn't... and they were mad at me... so I left... they have Sahara now, I'm not the CEO anymore," Grian said as he started crying all over again. then X hugged Grian and tried to comfort him, but that just made him cry even harder because he has someone to cry on, so X just stood there and let Grian cry on his shoulder.

MUHAHAHA! sad ending! sorry, but when I wrote this part I just thought this would be a really good ending so I kind of just ended it here... so... sorry about that, but I think there might be another chapter coming up today or hopefully tomorrow. so baiiiiiiii

-evil Stuffy :)

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