for the first time in forever (i got tagged)

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henlo peeps, I got tagged by Meowerzers so here ya go! (it's a Christmas tag)

Favorite Christmas song?

Carol of the Bell

Favorite Christmas movie?

does home along count? I mean it's Christmas so... I guess... 

what kind of person are you when it comes to decorating tree/house?

oh gosh... I'm all in!!! must. be. CHRISTMASY EVERYWHERE!!!

Have you ever had a white Christmas?

no :(

What is your reaction when you wake up on Christmas day?

well... not much I guess, I don't get anything so... just normal? but I'll be hyped the day befor Christmas! 

Favorite warm drink?

mmh, candy cane hot cocoa! it's really good when you stir it with a candy cane!

what is the first thing you do on new years?

like at 0:00? well, I scream.

Do you keep new year resolutions?

nope. well I mean I kinda try, but I give up befor I even set it. so I don't expect much.

overall favorite way to spend the holiday?

every year we go on this trip with all my friends to Missouri and it is so fun! we spend Christmas there every year <3


here we go! 





last but not least, SallyTheChicken

ok that is all, I will upload a chapter this week sometimes, prob tomorrow, I dunno, but I'll have a really busy weekend and tomorrow and Friday, this is what happens when you are on the skool science olympiad team! (but it's really fun and I like it.) mk, baiiiiiiii!

-dead but not really Stuffy :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now