help is on the way (tears pt. 1)

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warning: depression, blood, Cutting, sadness overload (yay!)

Mumbo/grian au.

"help in on the way"

Mumbo sat alone in the bedroom of his apartment crying. "why ca-can't I-I Just die... Stupid... so stupid..." He muttered to himself, but he knew he could never do that.  And he'll lose demise, but he didn't care about that anymore. all he needed was comfort, someone to hold on too, but the only person he could trust with this was Grian, and he's away on vacation. befor grian left he asked if mumbo will be ok by himself, and he said yes. now he wished he didn't.

I know how you feel
Fighting for another breath
Searching for the strength
To lift your legs another step

"argh..." Mumbo groaned standing up from his bed going into the bathroom for his only emotional relive. cutting himself was something Grian told him not to do, but he always feels better when he did that even though he usually faint from the blood loss, but few minutes when he faints was a relief.

Wounded by the past
How long will it last
Buried by the heavyweight?

Mumbo got out the kive under the sink. "I'm sorry Grian... I had to." Mumbo said as he rolled up the right sleeves of his jacket, looked for a place without a scar on it. but... it was filled to the brim with cuts. "ugh...I guess my leg will work..." Mumbo thought to himself and he rolled up his left pans and pressed the blade into himself, sobbing from the pain.

It won't be long
Keep holding on
You won't have to wear those chains                                                                                                                      Help is on the way

he cut himself over and over again, each time the blade sinks lower and lower. mumbo was sitting in a pool of his own blood now, but no matter, he continued on until there were black dots in his vision, he can't see strat anymore, he then felt extreme pain on the back of his head as he crashed to the ground, passing out from the blood loss. 

Whatever the struggle, whatever the pain
No matter the fear or the battle you face
Help is on the way
Help is on the way

"Mumbo!" he heard faint cries of a voice he could only assume as Grian's "Mumbo! let me in! this isn't funny! I can see blood from under the door! Mum-" then he was out cold.

You are not alone
All of Heaven's on your side
Every prayer is heard

Mumbo woke up and he was on his bed again, his leg bandaged up, new cloth on. then he heard some crying in the bathroom, he tried to get up to see what it was but then cried out in pain when he tries to stand up.

"Mumbo? Mumbo! thank goodness your awake! I thought you would never..." Grian said running in with tears on his face and more streaming down.

Your rescue's coming just in time                                                                                                                              Lift up your eyes
Look to the hills
You won't be overcome

"G-grian...? I thought you were gone on vacation...?" Mumbo said looking at him

" I was going to... they canceled my flight. I came back to check on you. there was blood seeping through the bathroom door. I told you not to." Grian said sternly with a bloody mop in his hand.

It won't be long
Keep holding on
Sure as the rising sun                                                                                                                                                      Help is on the way
Help is on the way

"I-I'm sorry Gri-" mumbo was interrupted my Grian dropping his mob and running to hug Mumbo tight.

"Mumbo... I just don't want you hurt... I need you... whole, not broken." Grian said as he puts his head down on Mumbo's shoulder.

"I don't think I'm whole anymore Grian... I am broken." Mumbo said to Grian as he pushed Grian away from him.

"Mumbo... what is it? what boke you this bad?" Grian said with more tears. Mumbo is thankful for Grian, but now he really just wants to be along, think about what he did, maybe cut himself more.

Whatever the struggle, whatever the pain,                                                                                                    No matter the fear or the battle you face

"Mumbo, please-" Grian said befor he felt pain on his face and fell backward onto the ground.

"I don't need it. just let me suffer in peace, will you? for once, leave me alone! I don't need you snooping around in my business.

You have a warrior, defender, protector, and friend

"Mumbo... just let me help you..." Grian sobbed on the ground.

"I don't need your help! just leave!" Mumbo yelled at Grian as he kicked him and wicked at the leg. mumbo cried more as Grian walked away, closing the door to Mumbo's apartment as Mumbo head to the bathroom again, pulling out the blade again.

I know how you feel
But it isn't over yet                                                                                                                                                          Help is on the way
Help is on the way

after this, Grian came back at night and found Mumbo passed out again, he cleaned Mumbo up again and placed him on the bed, looked at him, cried, and left befor Mumbo could see him. he did this for the whole week until he came back one morning and Mumbo was still not awake. 

Whatever the struggle, whatever the pain
No matter the fear or the battle you face                                                                                                              Help is on the way 

"Mumbo! Mumbo? wake up! please wake up!" Grian yelled with tears in his eyes. "oh gosh Mumbo, look what you've done" he muttered to himself as he carried Mumbo to the hospital. 

Help is on the way 

hey guys! I might do a part two of this, not sure, but I have a pretty good song for it if I am! I have so many ideas for this story! anyways, I'm gonna go do my homework now, baiiiiI!

-Idea overload rn Stuffy :)

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