living in a nightmare (tears pt.3)

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Warning: abusive relationship, blood, abuse, depression

"Living in a nightmare" 

It's been a long time waiting forever
Even though it is so dark
I'll never surrender

"Mumbo... you can't go up there alone... I won't let you." Grian said

"but if you go with me... he might get madder..." mumbo said.

"no, he will not, I'll fight for you Mumbo, always," Grian said as he held Mumbo's hand and walks toward Mumbo's apartment.

When I think of the fame
And I think of the gain
Imma play the same game that I've always played

Grian sees Mumbo trembling as he opens the door, and no doubt, the first thing was Mumbo getting a harsh slap to the face. 

"ugh..." Mumbo groaned as he holds his face in visible pain.

"hey! why did you do that?" Grian yelled at the guy that just slapped Mumbo.

I shouldn't have let you in
Living in a nightmare and I can't seem to getaway
Living in a nightmare that you create to kill the pain
Still living in a nightmare you made
Still living in a nightmare you made

"well he didn't give me what I wanted so... he owns me that. now... who are you?" the guy asked staring Grian down, but he stood his ground. he has to make up something! something he could protect Mumbo... uhhhh and this was the best he came up with.

"I'm Mumbo's boyfriend!" Grian yelled sternly at the guy. Mumbo looked over at Grian in surprise.

"hahaha... you're funny. wait, you're for real? Mumbo? why did you cheat on me?" the guys asked Mumbo as he looked down at the ground don't what to do. oh god... Grian thought, why did he have to say that? 

I saw it coming, always knew it would
You'll have to hold on till you close your eyes for good
When I think of the fame
And I think of the gain
Imma play the same game that I've always played

"he wasn't cheating on you, you were never the one he wanted or needed, you're just using him!" Grian yelled then the guys kicked Grian in the stomach, so hard making him fall backward.

"Grian!" Mumbo yelled, trying to help him up, but got hit again, and again.

"s-stop... please..." Mumbo whimpered as he continued.

I shouldn't have let you in
Living in a nightmare and I can't seem to getaway
Living in a nightmare that you create to kill the pain
Still living in the nightmare you made
Still living in the nightmare you made

Grian groaned as he tried to sit up and sees the guy hitting Mumbo, he staggered over and hit the guy hard in the head.

"ugh, you're getting into this mess too?" the guys spit at Grian, "I guess I'll deal with you first," he said as he looked at Grian's tired eyes as he stayed up nights and night taking care of Mumbo. then he looked at the bruises and battered Mumbo lying in the corner hugging himself, sobbing.

(Never saw it coming)
Never saw it coming
(Never saw it coming)
Never saw it coming
Living in a nightmare and I can't seem to getaway
Living in a nightmare that you create to kill the pain

Grian tried to look braver then he is, but there isn't much energy left in him to fight. He has to do something because he knew he can't win the fight.

"Grian! watch out!" Mumbo yelled as Grian barely dodged a bottle the guy throws at him.

"don't you guys think this fight is not fair? I'm one, and there are two of you! let me just tie you up..." the guys said as he tied Grian to a chair as he struggled agast the bond. 

Living in a nightmare and I can't seem to getaway
Living in a nightmare that you create to kill the pain (Living in a nightmare)
When I think of the fame
And I think of the gain
Imma play the same game that I've always played (Living in a nightmare)

the guys now just started to abuse Mumbo like he always did, mental also, telling him that he's not enough, Grian, on the other hand, was trying to get the knife that was on the table next to him, though his hand was tied behind the chair, he got it and tried to cut the bond on his other hand, but cut himself a few times befor he could undo the bond.

I shouldn't have let you in (Living in a nightmare)
When I think of the fame
And I think of the gain
Imma play the same game that I've always played (Living in a nightmare)

the guys were advancing on to Mumbo with the glass bottle, preparing to knock him out, but then Grian freed himself and ran to Mumbo, blocking the blow and passed out himself.

I shouldn't have let you in (Living in a nightmare)
When I think of the fame
And I think of the gain
Imma play the same game that I've always played

the last thins he heard was Mumbo frantically yelling Grian.

I shouldn't have let you in.

hey guys! I feel like this was a crappy chapter, didn't really make sense to me as I was writing it, but anyway, right now it's like 12, and my mom is pissed that I'm not sleeping lol, but yeahhhhh there might be a pt. 5 I don't know yet (I made this for like a one-shot, but then I was like, ohh gud plotline! Imma gonna use dis, but now it's just a Jumbo of crap. oh well! imma gonna sleep now! baiiiiii!

-Sleepless Stuffy :)

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