some incorrect quotes

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Grian: *in Alpha mc* hey guys? did I just see Herobrian?

Ren: huh, I mean you might because this is-

Cub and Scar: AREA 77 HERE! WERE IS IT?!?!?!?

*Herobrian left the game*

Mumbo: ugh! Sahara is not working again!

Iskall: *walks in room* yeah I'm searching for a potato too bro.

Grian: Mumbo, come over here, please.

Mumbo: hmm you're a little suspicious...

Grian: I promise I'm no-

*distance Swedish yelling*

Cub: I made a new potion!

Scar: *looks at hermit heads* who shall be the next victim...?

Cub: we already did... Mumbo... Grian..................

Grian: hey Mumbo! do you know the new meme?

Mumbo: *have headphone in, can't hear Grian* who, me?

*Grian died of laughter*

Mumbo: what.

hey peeps! I posted 4 chapters today! I'm so proud! welp, I'm still bored so I might update something else soon, dunno. mk bye

-proud Stuffy :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now