nuu, muh Sahara! pt. 3

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after Grian's break down, Xisuma walked with Grian back to his base to settle down for the night because it's getting dark soon, and after they go back to his base they found something in the middle of Grian's base.

"w-wait, what is that?" Grian asked to no one in particular and walked to the chest,

"it read, we need a detective... what does that me?" Xisuma asked and opened the chest and there was a book, "for Sherlock Grian? is that the shop thing you made?"X asked again,

"I think... so they have a case for me? let me read the book!" Grian said excitedly as Xisuma raised the book above his head so Grian can't get it,

"give me the book! Xisuma! XISUMAAAAAAAA!!!" Grian yelled jumping up and down but still can't get the book, but then he thought of a new idea,

"I won't- ah! Grian!" Xisuma said as Grian kicked X in the keens not hard, but hard enough to make him fall and pushed him on the ground, but as X was falling he pulled Grian down too so now Grian is on top of X on the ground, still trying to get the book, and this time he succeeds and got off of X and opens the book,

"we've got a case of explosion in the new, new hermitvill, please help us find out who it is!" Xisuma reads over Grian's shoulder

"guess what time tis is! Grian yelled as he ran toward his closet, "suit up time!" Xisuma just laughed at his childishness and looked back at the book again and he realizes it was in Mumbo's handwriting! why and how would he know that there was an explosion in new, new hermitvill but Xisuma didn't have the heart to tell Grian about the little details that he missed, he just got kicked out of Sahara! (well he sorta kicked himself out but oh well)

"ok! I'm back! do you want to go to the office with me?" Grian asked as he showed up in his sherlock Grian's skin.

"oh! yeah sure!" Xisuma said quickly closing the book befor Grian notice anything.

"ok then! let's go!" Grian yelled putting on his wings and dragging Xisuma to the door, heading to his detective office.

boom! it's back! people have been asking for part 3 so here it is! (well I might or might not be doing this because I don't have ideas for the other story... teehee)I think there might be more chapters on this story after this one, I don't know but I kinda have a good plot for dis so yeahhhhhhhh... mk baiiiiii!

-idea Stuffy :)

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