like glass shatters pt.11

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Warning: same as the last chapter... yeah

~~~~~~~~back in Scar's flashback~~~~~~~~~

"sell you out?" Scar asked Iskall.

"yeah, you'll need it," Iskall said obviously scared.

"but... they will hurt you! you know how brutal they are!" Doc said grabbing Iskall's arm.

"but this is the only way to save the server! I have to do this, you guys can save me later. there they come," Iskall said, pointing to some hooded people. "this is your chance, hurry, look like you just caught me here." Iskall said as he laid down on the ground and mentioned for Doc to get on top of him. (no, you dirty minded people, not like that.) he hastily did as he asked and Iskall screamed. like really, really loud.

"who was that?" one of the hooded person asked as they looked in to door and saw the scene, Scar confused standing beside scared Doc who was on top of a no scared Iskall.

"I think we should check that out." the other hooded person said to the first, as they opened the door, Scar made up his mine and babbled about Iskall betraying the Master guy he didn't know. then it was all fuzzy, he didn't know what was happened, but he ended up watching a dungeon where Iskall was whipped. and now, Mumbo was whipping Grian. 

~~~~~~~~end of flash back~~~~~~~~

apparently Grian passed out of the blood loss and more hooded people came in and took him with a lot of Mumbo protests, but after Grian had been taken away, his eyes landed on Iskall, who stared back at him in fear.

"you know you ruined my life too right?" Mumbo asked Iskall in a voice he didn't know Mumbo had

"umm...I did?" Iskall asked confused.

"you did," Mumbo said looking straight at Iskall, now reaching for a kive.

"whoa, whoa, whoa, now Mumbo my dude, what are you going to do with that knife now?" Iskall asked backed into the wall.

"ruin your life just like you did to mine," Mumbo said as he advanced on Iskall knife pointing at the robotic eye and cutting into his skin.

"Mumbo stop!" he turned around to face a Grian walking towards him, still beat up and broken, but there was no fear in his eyes.

"what do you want now?" Mumbo asked Grian now standing up to face grian.

"Mumbo you need to stop this. don't know that they are controlling you?" Grian asked, and now the doors to the dungeon was pounded on my hooded people, he don't have much time.

"controlled by what?" Mumbo asked know dropping the knife.

"controlled by the people that made you hate me Mumbo, do you remember? the time we spend together? do you remember the prank I pulled on you? do you remember what you last said to me?" Grian said now taking a step forward to Mumbo.

"the last word I said to you?" Mumbo asked now more confused than anything.

"the last word you said to me befor they took you from me, Mumbo, please remember!" Grian yelled, now in tears, taking another step towards Mumbo.

"... Grian?" Mumbo said. 

"yeah," Grian said softly as he stepped forward and hugged Mumbo, then all the red left Mumbo's eyes and he hugged Grian back really hard.

"Grian! I-I'm s-so sorry... I- I didn't, I-I w-was, I s-saw, I t-tried..." Mumbo muttered a bunch of stuff to Grian but he just patted him in the back, no matter, his Mumbo was back.

"G-Grian?" Iskall whimpered,

"oh! Iskall! I-"Mumbo said as he kneeled down next to Iskall,

"no, the p-people... they are coming!" Iskall weakly pointed behind them and he passed out.

yay... most suffering from the hermits! I might do a Convex angst soon, those makes me cry, please someone make more of them. anyways, I'm working on another chapter right now, but I'm gonna be busy tomorrow so I might not update. mk, baiiiiiiiii!

-busy Stuffy :0

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