you broke my heart

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"Iskall! Wait!" Stress said when she saw the tears,

"Are you ok?" Stress yelled after him but he was long gone and she didn't want to chase him or anything, but she was scared that she offended him or something but she just stood there, but that was probably the best for Iskall. after Iskall got into the restroom, he sat down in one of the stales and let the tears out.

"Why... why am I ever loved..." Iskall said out loud, his mind went back to his childhood...

"Iskall! Why didn't you do your homework?! Why don't you look at your brother and see how he is doing and follow a good lead? You're not up to the standards of our family!" Iskall's mother yelled at him for getting an A- on a homework, his mom always liked his brother more, his parents never cared about him, only ever cared about the representation he gives to his parent, if he got anything under a 100 his mom will get mad at him and if he's lucky he won't get starved for the next day, last time that happened he passed out at school because he got an A- on a quiz, and his mom didn't give him food for days, and he can't hold on anymore and that made his mom so mad he was locked in his room for the week and only got water and bread. He remembered his dad coming into the room and did something to him, but the week was blurry because he was so hungry, his dad don't come home often, but when he did, Iskall was abused. He didn't remember what happened but he remembers being in the emergency room in the hospital for losing too much blood. His brother had called the police, they took him and he never saw his parents anymore, because the next day the nurse came in and told him his parents died in a car crash with his brother. He didn't know what to feel, happy that they are dead? But whatever they did they here still his family! He just laid there on the hospital bed. Later he found out that his dad broke his arm by bending too far. After he was out of the hospital, he was sent to an orphanage. After the flashback, he was a sobbing mess, he was surprised that Stress's haven't sent Grian or someone to come find him, no, no surprise... she never cared about him and she never will, don't even get your hopes up, it will only bring you down at the end, Iskall thought,

"I should probably go back." Iskall thought to himself, as he opened the door to his stall he sees Grian standing there, in front of his stall, and Iskall was already really mad about himself, and Grian spying on him? He can't hold it in anymore,

"How long were you standing there?" Iskall asked, his voice cold

"Um... ''I-I was here about 3min a-ago?" Grian said scared.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were here?!" Iskall said almost yelling,

"I-I just t-thought th-that you were crying a-and I didn't want to s-say anything...." Grian said

" WHY CAN'T ANYTHING BE RIGHT FOR ME?!" Iskall yelled and Grian took a step back and he bumped into the bathroom wall.

" I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Iskall yelled again which made Grian cower back even more but he was already at the wall and he knew that Iskall has always had an anger issue, and when he was mad he would throw things or hit people and Grian obviously didn't want to get hit, so he took a step back from him toward the door wanting to get away.

"no. " Iskall said, not yelling anymore,

"No, you can't leave." Iskall continued

"Iskall... your not the real you! Snap out of it!" Grian said desperately,

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SNAP OUT OF IT?! I WASN'T IN ANYTHING IN THE FIRST PLACE STUPID!" Iskall said walking toward Grian and slapped him hard in the face with left a red hand mark and Grian fell backward on the ground.

"I-I just... wanted to help..." Grian stuttered out scooting back to the door.

"Hmm... well, are you leaving now?" Iskall asked him still in his cold voice,

"I... I am going to leave until you calm down ok?" Grian said as he stood up and walked to the door, suddenly Iskall pulls on his hood and hold him back,

"You can't leave," Iskall said

"W-why? You're choking me!" Grian said.

"You saw me at my lowest stage, you saw me cry, you saw me sobbing for a girl, you can't leave. I can't let others know about this." Iskall said now pulling Grian closer.

"I-I won't tell! Ju-just let me out!" Grian yelled.

"I don't trust you," Iskall said pulling Hendeson close enough to push him on the ground again.

"Ow! Then what are you going to do then?" Grian asked

"It depends, if you are going to tell them I have to mute you, if you are going to write it down I have to stop you from doing that too! Iskall yelled as he pushed Henerson against the bathroom wall

"You can't do that!" Grian yelled at Iskall, the Iskall somehow came to his senses and dropped Henerson.

"Ow! What is your problem?!" Grian said as Iskall brakes down again and sat down next to Grian.

"W-what did I do this time...? Why didn't you stop me..." Iskall sobbed

"Finally! I bet you give me 30 bruises!" Grian said.

"I hit you?" Iskall said he doesn't remember what happened "I'm sorry! Why didn't you hit me back?" Iskall asked,

"Stress told me not to hit you, or fight back so... I didn't." Grian said tenderly touching his face and wincing when he touched his bruised eye.

" she... cared about me?" Iskall asked

"Well obviously! If not then why did she tell me not to hit you back? You would have been on the ground along time ago!" Grian said still holding back his insults a little because he didn't want Iskall to get mad again.

"Oh... ok... thanks I guess..." Iskall said as they both walked out of the bathroom.

We're beat up but won't be broken

Lonesome but always searching

Homesick but nobody's heading home soon

Keep on, keeping on, keeping on

Long days and too many short nights

And wrong ways that almost felt right

Lovesick but nobody's holding you

Keep on, keeping on, keeping on

(To the Dreamers, by: for Kings and Country)

hey guys! guess what? 3 chapters a day! yay! this one is maybe the most depressing one of this short story, (not the book, the Christmas thing) so yay! did you guys cry? or is it just me? i dunno, comment plz ideas i need. mk, baiiiii!

-oofed Stuffy :)

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