born without a heart (clear up)

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ok, so everything here is the flashbacks but in order!

<back ground story. setting?>

but he wasn't born without a heart, he uses to have emotions and love towards others. he use to be his parent's favorite, well that was until Xisuma came. he was thrown into the void because of Xisuma. every family is only allowed one child or there will not be enough food to go around

his family throws him into the void. he was 15 at the time, he didn't know what was going to happen and when the void spoke, he just followed him, believing everything he said and everything he did. the void was like a father he never had.

until one day someone defeated the Void, making him flying out of the void and landing somewhere... it was a grass plain. he had nothing, he had lost his family again. after walking around town he found out that it was Xisuma, his brother that had distorted his only home.

now he, not a teenager anymore, he was a... what do you call it? killer. hunter. he secretly followed Xisuma around, finding the right time to kill him. Xisuma was sobbing and hugging a gravestone. it's a lie. he didn't care. he never did. it was staged. he didn't feel sorry to see Xisuma cry.

there was light shining, very bright. there was sobbing. then someone said,

"aww... such a little angle!" that was the last thing he heard that was nice about him.

"and that's what made me like this!" he screamed at Xisuma who was angrily sitting.

"It's not like I did anything wrong! you're the freak! your not even my bother! you're born from a glitch!" Xisuma screamed at him.

"I..." he said, before breaking down and running outside.

"you're a nightmare..." Xisuma muttered as he slammed the door

"I..." he didn't have a comeback. he was a nightmare, everyone thought so, and now even his brother.

he rolled around on his bed, it was another nightmare that he can't wake up from. it's wasn't the first and it won't be the last.

"XISUMA!" he called out in his dream. his parents just came and looked inside and walked away. they didn't care.

"Why are you like this now? you use to be my best friend!" Xisuma yelled at him, eyes full of anger.

"I don't really care. and I never will" he said walking out the door.

there was silence. that was all it was. Xisuma wasn't talking to him, it's ok though. he hasn't for a long time anyway. he was always left out in his family, he just never.... felt like it was home. so he didn't really care, how much silence kills. who did anyways?

he was crying on his own in the bathroom again. his family forgot him for the annual family dinner at his aunt's house. he can't even call them his family anymore. this wasn't the first time but it still hurts, a stab to the heart.

"NO ONE CAN BLAME ME FOR THIS THIS ISN'T MY FALT!" he screamed to the sky. he was alone, so alone in this world with no on to support him. not even his brother.

as he looked back at his house, he saw Xisuma looking at him. X knew what was going to happen to him, he was going to be gone, forever. but Xisuma didn't do anything to stop his parents. he didn't even say goodbye to him.

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