to the dreamers (Run Wild pt.3)

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hewo peeps, I'm not dead, and I have a new plotline for this story! (hint hint, more angst *cough*) 

warning: uh... not much...

We're beat up but won't be broken
Lonesome but always searching
Homesick but nobody's heading home soon

it was the next morning and everyone was up in the dining room for breakfast and they are all hyped up for a new day of adventures.

"So how did everyone sleep last night?" Grian asked everyone at the table.

"It was nice till you woke me up for my shift and it wasn't fun." False said grumpily

"hey, I was on the shift with you!" Iskall complained,

"well you were sleeping on the floor the whole time!" False said angrily.

"Yeah, but he wasn't the only one," Mumbo muttered. Grian coughed and blushed noticeably.

Keep on, keeping on, keeping on
Long days and too many short nights
And wrong ways that almost felt right
Lovesick but no one you're holding on to
So keep on, keeping on, keeping on

"ahm, anyways, from my calculations we are 2 days till the closest land," Grian said still visibly blushing.

"first of all, why are you blushing and second, how did you know how close we are to land?" Iskall questioned.

"uh, I've been out on sea before so I know, I've never been on the island but I've seen it." Grian said. though he thinks the island looks just a tad bit like... something he's seen befor, Grian wasn't quite sure.

And sing along, sing along, sing along... Yeah
To the dreamers
Wide-eyed believers
Hanging onto hope by a thread
To the soulful

"ok, so whatever we're just going to get on the island and then raid everything and then go home so I can work on my redston stuff. people are still expecting me to fix Sahra... so this better be fast." Iskall said with his feet on the table and eating a waffle.

"no Iskall! we are not going to raid the place! we're just going to look at it! we're not taking anything that's not ours!" Grian scowled Iskall as he rolled his eyes and stick out his tongue at Grian

"whatever you say, captain!" Iskall laughed.

Heart open hopeful
Keep on charging ahead
'Cause, when you feel it

after breakfast, everyone went back to what they were doing before. well maybe except false. she didn't go back to swim. anyways, the ship was sailing and everyone was minding their own stuff. Grian knew this was the calm befor the storm and someone is going to do something and then-

"Griannnnnnnn! what is that?!" Scar yelled running from the front of the ship with Cub.

Once you see it
And you breathe it
It's unforgettable

"what is what?" Grian asked walking back to the front of the ship with Scar and Cub.

"The big dark castle... um, it's on the island, I can just barely see it but it's there." Scar said pointing to a shadow in the distance.

When you know it
Once you know it
And you hold it
It's unforgettable

hey guys! so this is a chapter that I had for over a month, just sitting there, so I thought just to publish it and use a another song for the second part. for those of you that know this song can see that I've cut it in half because I didn't know how to continue this story with this song cuz it doesn't fit the theme so yeahhhhhhh hope you liked dis, and see you next time! bai

-oop Stuffy

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now