I wuz Tagged

142 4 7

I was tagged by Viola_halogen so yeet and here's my tag stuff

1. if you could, witch 3 hermits would you meet IRL

most definitely Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall but mostly Grian. 

2. what would be the perfect setting to meet one or more hermits?

probably at Minecon because if I just met them on the street I'll be too scared to go and say I cuz I've got anxiety and I'll be too worried that I got the wrong person and I'll just follow them around trying to see their face without acting weird... lol

3. what's your favorite demise death so far?

ah... this is a hard one... hmm... probably Ren's. he could have survived! and I can't blame Grian for laughing cuz I was laughing so hard and my mom was just staring at me like wut. 

4. Jellie, Maui, or Pearl?

uh, Pearl... 

5. wich hermits do you watch?

mostly Grian... and there's Mumbo, False, and Scar. they are all the hermits that I'll finish the video without skipping cuz sometimes I'll skip a few parts on other hermit's video. 

6. who's your favorite hermitcraft alter ego? (Ex, Poultry man, hermits in black... etc)

hmm... I really like hippies! Renbob and Hippy Grian! <3

7. who's your favorite hermit to write?

Grian and Mumbo and sometimes Scar. they good at angst.

8. what's your favorite big event in season 6 so far?

the war is fun and I loved it. that is the event when I watched all the hermit's pov so yeet

9. what is your favorite hermitcraft song?


10. who's your favorite hermit?

GRIAN!!! and Mumbo...

now tag 10 people!

kk, uh let's see now......




Kool-Aidd (sorry... teehee)



athena363636 (teehee)


Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now