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It was a week before Christmas, Iskall who had fluffy black hair and according to Stress, big hands, was 18 years old and his friends decide on a Christmas road trip to Canada, and they decided to meet up in the afternoon and leave, it's 3 right now, so they should probably become is about an hour or so- *knocking* nevermind, he when over to open the door and sees Stress, who had brown hair and pretty eyes, well he always thought her eyes were pretty anyways. then he blushed a little, he didn't know why he always feels like his stomach is doing flip flops when she's around, or why his head get all spiny, but no matter, he invited her in and told her to sit down. Then there was another knock on the door and there was False, she's taller and has long hair, and Cleo, who was tall, well taller than Iskall anyways, was at the door.

"Where is Grian?" Iskall asked,

"well I think he told me he'd late for a bit last time I texted him, so how many cars are we talking? Or are we each taking a car?" False asked,

"well, we could go 2 people per car..." Iskall suggested, then there came another knock that probably was Grian, who always had a red sweater on. Iskall went over to open the door and invited him in, and they sat down to discuss who will be in which car, at last they decided that Iskall and Stress are going to be in one car and that cause whole lot of shipping from False and Doi's part, and the False, Doi, and Grian is on one car, so 2 cars that they are taking. After they have packed and all ready to go, they went down and put everything into the cars and they are on their way.

Mirror mirror

Mirror on the wall

Telling those lies

Pointing out your flaws

That isn't who you are

That isn't who you are

It might be hard to hear

But let me tell you dear

If you could see what I can see

I know you would believe

That isn't who you are

There's more to who you are

So when it's late

Your wide awake

Too much to take

Don't you dare forget

That in the pain

You can be brave

( Priceless, by: for Kings and Country)

hey ya peeps! I'm back! well, here is your daily update, and I might do another chapter later today or something, but yeah! mk, baiiiii!

-yay Stuffy :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now