Im back!

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hey everyone! sorry for the long AFK... now I'm back to fresh motivation and ideas! I have a few that I want to write that are just songfic oneshots angst so here I go:

Brother: Ex and Xisuma angst yay (done)

queen of mean: false's background

Memories: ok this one is second to last chapter for Run Wild um but supa good ideaaaaaa

Hold on: grumbo, Grian being depressed  (done)

Older: Scar's background

how do you love someone: Grian's background

Darkside: Grian and watcher stuff (done)

Let her go: Stress and Iskall crap

born without a heart: maybe also false? nvm, imma do Stress for dis

that's all for now, I'm going to do most of them but could you guys please vote for one right now? please comment something so I know people read this, I see the reads but I don't know what you guys think about it. I'm sorry I sound like I'm just asking for comments but I really need the feedback to make better stories for you guys that you will like. thanks! see you soon! <3

-hopeful Stuffy :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now