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the person singing: Mumbo

bad boi: Grian

You got a bad reputation in my neighborhood

Grian has a reputation of a "bad Boi" in every neighborhood in his town but especially this one neighborhood is where Mumbo Jumbo lives... Grian would start fights anywhere he goes and make everything a disaster, no one liked him in town but Mumbo.

You drive me mad with temptation 'cause it tastes so good
You know I wouldn't walk away, even if I could
It took one night, one try, ayy

Mumbo was the closest person to an angle you could find, he had super strict parents and he wasn't allowed to do anything promptly bad, and he always obeyed, he always thought they know best until he meets the wildest person ever... and he fell in love. even though everyone hated Grian, Mumbo loved him. "gosh... I'm hooked..." Mumbo muttered as he stood in the cold winter air waiting for Grian for their date night. he knew it's going to be a disaster.

Damn, I'm hooked! you were there when I was low, you held me high
And baby when you take control, we can go all night
Every single place we go, you start a fight

"hey, Mumby!" Grian said as he slid down Mumbo's roof, making Mumbo jump,

"ack! Grian! don't do that! it's going to wake my parents up!" Mumbo said hugging Grian.

"ha, you're worried about that? whatever, come on Mumbo, we don't have much time!" Grian said as he dragged Mumbo by his arm up the street. 

"you know you've got a bad reputation in my neighborhood."

"yeah, and I'm proud of it."

But then you kiss my neck, and take a bite everybody says I'm sleeping with the enemy
I don't even care if you're gonna be the death of me, me, me, you got a bad reputation in my neighborhood

Mumbo looked at Grian, he was wearing the same thing he always did, a dark red hoodie, skinny jeans with black boots, on the other hand, mumbo himself was wearing a suit that his parents made him wear everywhere he goes. 

"Mumbo, wanna try something new?" Grian asked, still dragging Mumbo down the street, people giving them glares when they see Grian.

"I'm always trying something new with you Grian," Mumbo said smiling

You drive me mad with temptation 'cause it tastes so good
You know I wouldn't walk away, even if I could
It took one night, one try, ayy
Damn, I'm hooked, I'm hooked

Grian led Mumbo into a small alley next to the busy street, all the noise of the city died down.

"grian? where are we?" Mumbo asked, tightening his grip on Grian's hand.

"we're at my home!" Grian said as he sat down on a dirty mattress with holes in it.

"you live here?" Mumbo asked surprised, then grian patted the spot next to him indicating for Mumbo to sit down, Mumbo reluctantly sat down, touching as little of the mattress as possible.

"yeah, I have something I want to give you, wait here," Grian said as he went to search for something.

Ooh, I'm hooked I know that I shouldn't touch but you twist my heart
'Cause I can never get enough once the feeling starts

"I'm back!" Grian said as he came back with a black hoodie in his hand, "I got this for you! Don't worry it's new." Grian said seeing Mumbo's face.

"But... you don't have a job do you?" Mumbo asked confused.

"oh yeah, but you know I go to the gambling place right?" Grian said with a smirk.

"wait, you gambled and won so you could buy me a hoodie?" Mumbo said, he was touched by this, he knew Grian didn't have much money, he sometimes smuggles some food for Grian because of it, and somehow he got money but he spent it on him, and hoodies are expensive...

"Grian... do you have money for food though?" Mumbo asked, Grian just shrugged and told Mumbo to put it on.

Baby, I'm the gasoline and your kiss is the spark
But you take the wheel and crash my car everybody says I'm sleeping with the enemy
I don't even care if you're gonna be the death of me, me, you've got a bad reputation in my neighborhood

"I've actually never worn anything other than suits and pajamas... Mumbo said as he told Grian to turn around so he ould change.

"I told you you're going to try something new!" Grian said he turned around as Mumbo asked

"I'm done... do you like it?" Mumbo said nervously. 

"wow... I never thought I would see you like this!" Grian said as he turned around looking at Mumbo in aw

"do I look bad?" Mumbo said, looking down.

"oh, no, no, no, no, that's not what I meant, it's just new to see you like this you know?" Grian said as sat down next to mumbo.

You drive me mad with temptation 'cause it tastes so good
You know I wouldn't walk away, even if I could
It took one night, one try, ayy
Damn, I'm hooked

"I mean me too... I've never been this comfortable in my life! not even in my pajamas! wow, this really is something new..." mumbo said, then he sat closer to Grian, and now was more laid back.

"Mumbo, I think it's time for you to go, or you'll be in trouble," Grian said sadly as he looked at his watch and then looking at Mumbo.

"what? but... oh yeah..." he muttered as he looked up in the sky, it's wasn't for sleep or anything it's just that he couldn't let his parent know that he was dating, I mean it would have been fine if it was some nice teachers pet girl from his privet school, but this was the person everyone hated! he couldn't even be seen with him!

Ooh, I'm hooked
Ooh, I'm hooked you got me under your influence
I swear I'm never gonna give you up, up, up, up, up, up, you got a bad reputation in my neighborhood

"when could you sneak out again?" Grian asked as Mumbo stood up to leave.

"oh... yeah that. um... did I tell you that I was moving... no, I didn't" Mumbo said as he sat back down again, putting his face in his hands.

"w-what? why didn't you tell me that?" Grian said now looking at Mumbo

"I just didn't want to think about it you know?" Mumbo said as he lay on the mattress still coving his face, he didn't want Grian to see him cry.

"oh... it was good I gave you the hoodie then right?" Grian said trying to think of anything positive to say in this situation but failing.

You drive me mad with temptation 'cause it tastes so good
You know I wouldn't walk away, even if I could

"Grian, befor I leave, could I ask you something? I hope it's not too much." Mumbo said as he stood up to leave again.

"Yeah, what do you need?" Grian answered, still looking at the ground.

"Could I have your hoodie? I'll give you mine, you can keep my suit too if you want." Mumbo said now looking at the ground. 

"of course!" Grian said as he took off his hoodie to give it to Mumbo

"I'll miss you, and I promise I'll come back one day," Mumbo said as he took Grian's hoodie and took off his hoodie that Grian just gave him.

It took one night, one try, ayy
Damn, I'm hooked Ooh, I'm hooked
Ooh, I'm hooked, oh

"Just remember, I'm still hooked," Grian said winking, but you could see the tears glistening in his eyes from the moonlight.

"I'm hooked." that was all Mumbo said as he turned around to leave, hoping to see Grian again one day.

lol I'm sick today, and I was jamming to Hermit gang while writing this, tomorrow is exams so ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I just hope I don't fail everything... (bet) but anyways hope ya'll like some (suppose to be wholesome) one-shotz) (when I heard the song I was like oh yeah! finally I can do a wholesome Oneshot! but then at the end I just couldn't help my self... ack, I'm probably going to make a pt. 2 of dis....) mk, baiiiii!

-oofed Stuffy :)

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