it's a fine fine life. (Run Wild pt. 1)

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oh gosh, this video was in my suggestion thing in youtube, I needed that today.

Warning: none. this is one wholesome chapter lol

"Fine Fine life"

Love is on the side of the highway

all the hermits are going on their normal lives, it might be a little boring, but it's a fine fine life. they all love it here, but won't it be nice to have a little adven-

With its thumb in the sky

"ugh!" Mumbo yelled as he poured water on his Redstone AGAIN for the hour. "I'm so done with this," he said as he threw the bucket on the ground and plopped down on the ground. deep breath in... blow it out... he reported that 5 times. "I'm ok... this is a fine fine life. but some times a little advent-

War is flying in the fast lane

"why? ughhhhh" X groaned, he missed another error on the code, and now there is a bunch of glitch in his pumpkin farm. he threw the coding device on the table he was working at. "ugh... this is fine... this is a fine fine life. but maybe... a little adventu-

In a suit and tie

"not again!" Iskall yelled in the empty halls of Sahara, someone has broken the redston again! he was done with the unending fixing of Sahara, he kicked the payment chest so hard there was a dent in it. he sighed, "it's ok... I'm ok... it's a fine fine life." Iskall sighed again as he picked up his Redstone box. "but some times a little adventur-

The sun is crashing in the ocean

"what?! I swear it was symmetrical!" Grian screamed at his new project, his circle was lobsided again, he couldn't seem to do anything right today! "ok... take a deep breath... I'll be ok... it's a fine fine life." he took another deep breath. "but sometimes a little adventur won't hurt anyone..." Grian said with a smirk, he dropped his building blocks and put on his elytra. "and I just can't help myself but wonder how we all forget..." 

It's a fine fine life
It's a fine fine life
Every day I find
It's a fine fine life

"Mumbo!" Grian yelled as he flew over Mumbo's base. 

"yes, Grian?" Mumbo said with a bland tone.

"what happened? you seem like you need some fun in your life! here you go!" Grian said happily as he dropped a piece of paper on the floor and shoot off into the sky again.

"wait Grian?" Mumbo called after him, but Grian was long gone, Mumbo picked up the paper. "meet me on the battlefield of civil war?" mumbo read. "ok I guess... I do need something to do."

I fell asleep in a casino
You should've seen her face
Feels like I'm stuck in a movie
That was never made

"hey, X-i-suuuuma!" Grian called out to x as he flew over his base.

"hey, Griii-on," X said with a dry smile.

"you seem like you need more adventure in your life!" Grian said as he dropped another piece of paper with X and shoot off in the sky again.

"Grian? wha-" X called out but Grian was long gone.

stranded with a flat tire
And he's grinning ear to ear and whispering these words under His breath
It's a fine fine life
It's a fine fine life

"Iskallllllllllll!" Grian screamed, he's elytra was broken, and he sees Iskall right under him.

"Grian?! ahh!" Iskall said as Grian crashed down on him.

"Sorry, my elytra broke, but here! you're invited too!" Grian said after jumping up, giving Iskall he's paper and tried to shoot off but then remember he's elytra was dead. "oops, let me fix that."

"wait what do-" Iskall called after Grian but he was already running into Sahara to get another elytra.

Yeah I put a step in your bones
You're never alone
Cash or coal,
Heart or soul

after Mumbo, x, Iskall came, there were a few more that Grian visited, (this is all the hermits I normally watch) they were all waiting for him on the battlefield, he finally swooped in and landed on the ConCorp news station thing.

"Hello, hermits! I have something to tell you! we are all going on an adventure together! on sea that is, I have a big boat ready for us next to Scar's pirate island!

"wait, how have I haven't seen it?" Scar questions, but Grian ignores him and continues babbling on with his speech.

"So who's in with me?" Grian said at the end.

"me!" False said excitedly,

"me!" said Scar and Cub.

"I guess us..." Iskall said for a sleeping Mumbo.

"I can't miss out on this!" Xisuma said.

"ok, we're all in! let get on with this!" Grian said.

"well, this is a fine fine life," Mumbo muttered as he woke up by Grian pouring cold water on him.

It's a fine fine life
It's a fine fine life
Every day I find
It's a fine fine life

hey guys! sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I was kinda busy... ish... ok, maybe not, but here is the first chapter of Run Wild, hope you liked it and yeah! mk, baiii!

-busy-ish Stuffy :)

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