hooked pt.2

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You'd probably think I was psychotic (if you knew)
What I still got in my closet (sad but true)
Slip it on over my shoulders
Something I'll never get over

Mumbo sighed as he looked around his room and sat down on his bed, then he remembered that he had Grian's hoodie in his closet, hid under all his other stuff, so he went over to dig it up. after moving he felt empty without the adventures he and Grian go on every week. Mumbo hugged Grian's hoodie close, it smelled like him, no, not a disgusting way but it reminded him of Grian, it made him feel a little closer to him. 

"Mumbo, dinner is ready!" His Mom called, Mumbo hurriedly put Grian's hoodie back to the closet. it has been 3 years since he had moved away from Grian and he never got a chance to go back.

It makes me feel a little bit closer to you
I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
Gave you everything and all I got was this

Grian looked around the tiny alleyways trying to find something to do, but then he just sighed and crawled on to the mattress that was supposed to be the bed. he hugged Mumbo's suit close, he could still smell the faint scents of Mumbo on it. Mumbo had promised to come back to see him but it's been 3 years and he hasn't come back yet.

"surely something is stopping him...?" Grian muttered to himself. Grian himself was wearing the black hoodie that was supposed to be Mumbo's, Grian chewed on the string as he thought about Mumbo, slowly he fell asleep. 

I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns

after dinner Mumbo went back into him room, thinking about Grian. "gosh, I had promised to go back and see him..." he said to himself mentally slapping himself. he hoped Grian hadn't moved on from him yet, but who's to blame if he does? he's the one that broke the promise! Mumbo hurriedly got out him computer and looked for a train ticket back to the town that Grian was at.

Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Still rocking yourI used to put my hand in your pockets (holding on)
The smell of your cologne is still on it (but you're still gone)
Slip it on over my shoulders

in the middle of the night Grian woke up still huggin Mumbo's suit tight, he looked around expected Mumbo to shown up but of course, he didn't. "he's probably already over me, why am I like this... ugh, he's someone I'll never get over, at les this makes me feel bit closer to you, I can't keep your love and keep your kiss, gave you everything and all I got was thing... I'm still rocking you hoodie." Grian sung, it was a song he heard in the gambling place, and now it fits his situation exactly.

Someone I'll never get over
Makes me feel a little bit closer to you
I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
Gave you everything and all I got was this
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings

Mumbo was cracking his brain trying to find a good excuse to go back, he couldn't tell them the truth could he? no, that would just make things more difficult than it already is. "ughhhhhh" Mumbo sighed, he got up to the door and yelled, "I'm going to sleep!" so no one would randomly go in to his room. 

"alright sweetheart! sweet dreams!" His mom called from down stairs. Mumbo closed his door and locked it just in case, he changed into a sweat pants and a t-shirt with Grian's hoodie over it. 

"it makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep, I kept the broken zipper, and the cigarette burn, still rocking your hoodie, baby even though it hurts." Mumbo sanged, he had heard the song from somewhere, he doesn't remember, maybe... oh yes, Grian sanged it to him once when they were looking at the stars together on the hills. Mumbo smiled at the memories and slowly he fell asleep.

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now