see you at Wednesday afternoon tea?

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Setting: real-life ish, so no respawn when dead, and when you aren't in a server you're are in the hub where there are apartments and stuff

warning: death. (only one word lol)

When he first joined he didn't know if it was a good idea, especially when everyone already has their own group of people and he was new, most people were in before s4. Even though he was nerves but he still waved goodbye to all of his friends in Evo and took a step, into the portal that would take him into Hermitcraft s 6.
"Hey everyone! This is our brand new hermit this season! His name is Grian and especially is building!" Xisuma said as he lead the other hermits out of the portal to s5, the total immediately disappeared behind them, just like how Grian came in. Even just looked at Grian, 

"Hey, guys!" Grian said in a happy voice, he looked around seeing the unfamiliar faces, he tried to scan them all and remember them until he spotted Mumbo Jumbo. Their background was a little weird, he didn't meet him until after Yander High School, but when he came out from it ( he was traumatized by it) Mumbo was his's next-door neighbor, they always had tea on Wednesday afternoon, it was all great, they were fixing each other, (mumbo came from an abusive family), mending each other slowly. Until one Wednesday afternoon, they were it was there tea time, Grian was waiting for Mumbo, but Mumbo never came, after he found out that he had been taken, he never found out why or how Grian didn't move on for a long time after he lost Mumbo. Eventually, he got an invitation to Evo, Grian thought that it would be better if he was distracted then to live his broken life. Soon after he joined Evo, he forgot about what had happened in yander high school, but he always remembers Mumbo in the back of his head. And now, he was staring Mumbo right in the eyes.
"G-Grian?!" Mumbo asked as he slowly walked forward from the crowd of people sounding Grian.
"Mumbo? Is that really you?" Grian asked as he walked forward too, very slowly, then it was a walk, then a sprint, then he was running full speed to Mumbo.
"Grian!" Mumbo yelled as he hugged Grian really tight. "Oh Gosh, I thought I lost you..." He said as he let go of him and looked at him, "you didn't change much did you?" Mumbo asked,
"Yeah, not much of a change, but I see you've got a mustache there!" Grian said as he flicked Mumbo's mustache slightly. All the other hermit was watching this happening, didn't know what to do until Ren burst out laughing,
" He didn't always have a mustache?! Hahaha, I can't believe it! I need to see how he looks without a Mustes now!" He said before laughing some more and then get dragged away by Doc. After all the drama and Grian and Mumbo explained themselves, everyone was o their own way doing their own things. The whole time Grian was building was thinking if he and Mumbo could have tea together on Whendsday afternoon, then he decided to call Mumbo to make sure he could come.
"Hey Mumbo, could you come over to my base on Wednesday afternoon? To have tea?" Grian asked,
"Yeah! I think I could come, I'm free that afternoon! It's been too long since we last did that! " Mumbo replied,
"Aright! I'll see you then?"
"Yeah, see you then!" Mumbo said as he hanged up after that was set, Grian when back working on his underwater base. The days passed fairly fast and it was Wednesday when Grian and Mumbo had planned to have tea together. Grian was really excited about this and he was having a great morning, but it was the opposite for Mumbo, he was having a horrible time, he was stressed out, his redston wasn't working no matter what he did, and he asked Iskall if he could help but he was out of town at the time. 

"ughhhhhh!" Mumbo yelled as he poured water on his red stone on accident. "you know what? I'm going to head to Grian's house right now and deal with this mess later." He said to himself before grabbing the car keys and walking outside to his car. Mumbo got into his car and went on the road, the whole time he was just plain frustrated, with redston, his life, and everything else, he was glad he could spend the afternoon with Grian.  

"I hope Mumbo comes soon..." Grian muttered to himself as he looked outside the window. little did he know that Mumbo was stuck in traffic, this made Mumbo's bad day way worst, he was banging his head on the steering wheel, then the traffic moved but the yellow light shined right as he was about to pass the intersection.

"ah! frick! why?" Mumbo screamed, he didn't want to wait anymore, he knew it wasn't safe to cross a large intersection on yellow light, but he was not in a proper headspace to care so he just pressed down on the gas pedal as speed over, then it was all fussy, he heard a crash and he felt pain everywhere, after a bit, he was coming back, but then he felt hot, it was just hot, he couldn't move and it was flaming, and then he felt burning... and then it was gone. it was all gone, the pain, frustration, anger. Mumbo was gone. 

Grian was still waiting for him at the window to have their Wednesday afternoon tea. but Mumbo never came. 

hey guys! so this was on the bus back from Science Olympiad and I wasn't in a good head space cuz I didn't place in anything and I was really disappointed, anyways, I hope you enjoyed a little sad Grumbo Oneshot, imma go work on the Run Wild story now, baiiiiii!

-disappointed Stuffy :)

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