I'm sorry I can't (no, this is not an Authors note)

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Iskall looked up from the page he was writing on, how stupid, of course, she can't see this, how could she? Argh, why am I mad at her for leaving me? it's not her fault that she left because I was the one driving, I should have been more careful! It was all my fault! Iskall thought as there was a knock on the door that probably belonged to False, Grian or Cleo. Iskall has suffered from postmatic depression for the past year, but he hasn't forgotten the love of his life who is Stress that died in the car crash. He use to be a cheerful boy that made a lot of trouble, but now he'll do whatever you tell him to do without question. Today was Christmas eve, even though he has told False, Grian and Cleo to go back home and stop worrying about him, but when he opened the door, it was False, Cleo and Grian standing there waiting for him with snow on their head, It was snowing! His most favorite thing the whole world! But instead of going outside to see, he invited them in without a question.

"Why did you guys come? I told you guys to go back home and spend it with your family." Iskall said in his depressing mounted voice he had since the crash.

"Well I was thinking you might need more love-" False tried to say, and Iskall breaks down at the word "love"

"I'm sorry! Wrong choice of word!" False went over and hugged Iskall.

"i-i'm fine..." Iskall said trying to push her away,

"Don't push us always like you don't need us, you need more happiness and company!" Grian said.

"How long are you guys going to stay?" Iskall asked "

"well, how long do you want us to stay?" Cleo asked,

"well I would really like a Christmas with friends, but you guys are probably going to go in about 2 hrs or so, you know, for the Christmas festival." Iskall said sadly

"well, we're here to spend Christmas with you! How does that sound?" False said, then Iskall looked up,

"really? You guys are not going to go to the festival? Or are you expecting me to go with you guys? Because in that case, I'm sorry, I can't."

"no, we're here to do whatever you want us to do!" False said,

"I know what you are going to say, It going to be broringggggg, but no, we're here to make it fun!" Iskall looked at her suspiciously but nodded and told them to sit next to the fireplace.

"I brought food by the way if you want them," False said. Iskall hadn't been out of his house for a month, he only goes outside is necessary. he went back to the fireplace and sat down with much difficulty,

"so, what do you want to do?" Grian asked

"I dunno, probably just sit around and talk," Iskall said, then they talked till 10 and they are all really sleepy and so they all fell asleep on the couch. Except Iskall, he had sleep problems for years, and it only got worse after the accident, he when as quietly as he could with couches to the front patio of his house so he could get some fresh air, then all the flashback came...

Step into a new day

We can rise up from the dust and walk away

We can dance upon the heartache, yeah

Solight a match

Leave the past

Burn the ships

Step into a new day

We can rise up from the dust and walk away

We can dance upon the heartache, yeah

So light a match

Leave the past

Burn the ships

And don't you look back

(Burn the Ships, by: for Kings and Country)

hey guys! I got most of the chapters pre-written so that's good, and I'll probably do like 1 or 2 chapters each day I dunno, and yeah! and I think I forgot the smiley face next to my name last chapter... and I oop sksksksk (jk, I'm not vsco) mk baiiiiiiii!

-forgetful Stuffy :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now