yay, more incorrect quotes! (aka, Mumbo being a dad to Grian)

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Grian: Ok, what would happen if I chugged cold brew and then popped melatonin gummies?

Mumbo: fIRST OF AL—

Grian: Like, would my body take a screenshot or something?




Grian: *knocking loudly on Mumbo's door* Mumbo! Mumbo! It's an emergency!

Mumbo: *almost breaking down the door with super strength* What is it? Are you okay?!

Grian: I bought this game and everyone is too busy to play it with me. Will you?



Mumbo: I'd be delighted. :)


Mumbo: Are you sure this is your first time playing poker, Grian?

Grian: Absolutely! Aces high. Nothing wild!

Grian: *under her breath* Wild cards are for preschoolers.

Stress: Good night, Grian!

Grian about 3 years old: Night night, Mommy!

Stress: And good night child-eating demon under the bed!

Mumbo, through a walkie-talkie in a deep and raspy voice under the bed: Good night!

Grian: ...

Grian gets out of bed: fight meh!

Ren: I will put down 'A' to make 'A'!

Stress: I will add to your 'A' to make 'AT'.

Mumbo: And I will add to your 'AT' to make... 'RAT'!

Joe: And I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOGRATIGRAPHIC'.


Grian: *flips the board over*

Ren: L is for the way you look at me!

Stress: O is for the only one I see!

Mumbo (struggling): V is um, very very... extraordinary <3

Grian: Egg

Mumbo: ...

Grian, whispering: Please don't tell Mumbo I made bacon in the toaster.

Mumbo, walking inside the kitchen: What the hell happened here?!

Ren, Stress, & Iskall: Peter made bacon in the toaster.

Grian (bacon pops out of the toaster with a ding): um no?

Mumbo: ... I-

Mumbo: Why are your shoes wet?

Grian: There was a puddle...

Mumbo: So you jumped in it?

Grian: It was a puddle >:(

Grian: Mumbo wake-up!

Mumbo: What do you want it's 3 am?!?!

Grian: When butterflies fall in love do they feel humans in their stomach??


Mumbo: What the hecc-





Grian: The word nun is just an 'n' doing a cartwheel...

Mumbo: Omg he's right

Mumbo: Have you been listening to a word I've said?

Grian: Ok, in my defense, I listened to about 5 of them which is a new record for me.

Mumbo: ...

Grian: You aren't coming with me?

Mumbo: Grian, I'm not your dad. [hands Grian a lunchbox] Here are your sandwiches. I'll pick you up at five.

Grian: but-

Grian: Chillax

Mumbo: That's not a real word

Grian: Those who deny chillax are the ones who need to chillax the most >:(

here we go! I've been dead for a while, sorry about that, another real chapter will be coming soon so tune in for dat. anyways, hope you have a great day and bai!

-dead Stuffy :)

Hermitcraft Season 6 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now