shatters like glass pt.6

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"grian? Grian? GRIAN??" that was what Grian hear when he woke up to a world of pain, well mostly pain in his arms anyways.

"w-what?!" Grian said as he tried to sit up but fails from the pain.

"Grian, oh finally, we thought you would never come back!" Mumbo said as he helped Grian sit upon his bed.

"where am I? where is my- I mean the guy?" Grian asked as he frantically looks around,

"I stab-" Iskall said befor Mumbo cut him off by asking,

"wait, he is your who?" 

"uh... umm I-I well he was... like my dad... yeah..." Grian said looking down trying to hid his face, and then he felt something on his back, and Iskall left the room feeling like th two need some time alone

"hey... it's ok, we don't blame you, so stop blaming your self." Mumbo said as he gently sat down beside Grian on the bed.

"well maybe you guys don't blame me, but do you know how many people's life I ruined? how many hearts I had to break to survive? how many goodbyes I had to say? you guys don't understand this now, but you will if I stayed, so just let me go, let me say goodbye one last time so my heart won't break all the way." Grian said as tears started coming out of his eyes, and Mumbo wiped them away,

"I can't let you go Grian, you know that you are my best friend! I've said my fair share of goodbye, you might wait to argue about that, I know, but please just listen to me, fight him, even though if he is your father, but just fight, who is someone you care about?" Mumbo asked trying to make Grian stay, maybe just a little later because he knows that if Grian gives up, then no one will fight him, so he had to do something.

"w-why..." Grian asked now trembling,

"just tell me." Mumbo said,

"y-you..." Grian said looking away,

"so fight for me Grian, please, just this last time, if you want to let go after this, then I will get you go, but if you just give up and don't fight... then I can't let you do that Grian," Mumbo said hugging Grian,

"...I'll fight for you Mumbo, but you've got to promise me that you will let me go if you have to?" Grian asked leaning into Mumbo's hug 

"it depends on what it is, I might, but not like this Grian." Mumbo said as Iskall come back in probably with some bad new by the look of his face,

"who else is missing?" Mumbo asked,

"Cleo, I went out there to check on her, but she's gone!" Iskall said, now knowing that the guys he stabbed wasn't dead as he said and that he was still around.

"I thought that would happen, and he told me that if I go with him then he'll let everyone go! Mumbo, just let me go, you'll get all of your other friends back! and you'll still have Iskall! you won't lose much." Grian said hugging Mumbo tighter.

"yes I will, I'll miss you so much, and you'll break my heart! do you want to do that?" Mumbo said

"fine then, but at the end, if I have to say goodbye, you've got to let me go ok? like, shoot me if you have to." Grian said, 

"ok, I guess, but now we need to bandage you up and we'll get on with this fight." Iskall said as he helps Grian up.

hey guys, today was kinda rough for me, I got a 75 on my math test and I actually wanted to die, but I kind of can't at the moment, and I think I might have depression but I don't know if anyone will believe me if I said it but anyways, that was a rant sorry, also next chapter is prob Scar's prospective so yeahhhhhh mk, bai.

-Depressing Stuffy :)

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