I'm high on incorrect quotes

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Mumbo: so what do you have planned for the future?

Grian: lunch

Mumbo: no, like long term

Grian: ...Dinner?

Iskall: I trusted you!

Grian: Why?

*in a Hermit skool*

Xisuma: name one way to be nice to others.

Grian: *rais hand* 

Xisuma: yes?

Grain: don't kill them.

Xisuma: ...

Xisuma: the stander is a bit low, but I'll allow that.

Joe: if you're having dad problems you can come to me!

Cleo: it's some nice words coming from my crappy father.

Scar: where are we going?

Cub: to death.

Scar: I mean for lunch

Xisuma: can someone tell me what is going on here?

Mumbo: well you see Grian is h-

Xisuma: ok, stop, forget that I asked. *walks aways with distance TNT blowing up*

Mumbo: Grian, you need to calm down!

Grian: *high on sugar* I can't calm down, you need to calm up!

Grian: I think you should be my father.

TFC: I don't want to be your father.

Grian: that's good, you already know your line. *skips away*

Mumbo: water source.

Iskall: what is sauce.

ren: water sauce.

Doc: weather sauce

Grian: wet salsa

(that was from elytbeatmaker's Mumbo remix)

teheeeeeee! tis is meh Stuffy! well, I'm high on incorrect quotes so.... yeahhhhhh mk baiiii!

-incorrect Stuffy :)

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