something happy... maybe

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so, most/all of my stories are angst and sad stories, I wanna do something different, like something happy maybe? hmm... (watch this turn in to a sad story lol)

so a lot of other people made this story lineish thing, but you know me, I've got to do it! some of the hermits is turned to toddlers! the people that isn't is: joeHills and Stress (taking care of everyone) Mumbo(mainly worrying and bein overprotective of Grian and sometimes Iskall), Xisuma(trying to figure out why everything is the way it is) Cub(taking care of Scar and is the main reason of this mess)

when Cub made the potion, he didn't think this would happen... he only thought it would be funny for Scar to turn in to a toddler and turn him back, but when he splashed the potion on Scar, X was making an error check and the whole server was variable, he usually do this at night so nothing like this happens, but he was really in need of sleep so he decided just to go for it, he was just to about the tell the server to get off for a few hours when a crying Biffa running to him, well tiny Biffa.

"Biffa? what happened to you?!" X asked as he ran over to him and scooped him up.

"I fell..." the toddler Biffa wined, looking at his hands' which was a little scratched

"What?... oh... umm... come with me, I'll fix you up," Xisuma said as he carried Biffa to ConCorp land and knocked on Cub's door.

"who is it?" Cub said nervously.

"It's Xisuma, and uh, Biffa's a toddler? di-" Xisuma said befor Biffa screamed again.

"uh, yeah I kinda did that, umm, bring him in," Cub said as he went and opened the door for Xisuma. Toddler Scar was sitting on the desk of Cub's office, playing with some pinkish potions.

"no no no no no, Scar, don't touch that," Cub yelled as he ran over and snatched it from Scar, who was about to drink it. Scar started to cry too.

"Gosh, this is a mess," X said as both Scar and Biffa was crying, then they heard more screaming toddler noise, Cub and X both turned around to see a tired Mumbo with Grian and Iskall in his arms.

"what. happed. to. them?" Mumbo asked sternly to Cub.

"uhh... potions... and server code error." Cub explained awkwardly.

"We need to call Joe and Stress." X decided for the group as he set Biffa down on the table next to Scar and pulled out his phone and called Joe and Stress.

"hey mumbo, you looked tired, want to put them down too?" Cub asked, Mumbo hesitantly put Iskall down and looked at Grian as he gave him his puppy face. "wanna put him down too?" Cub asked.

"no, I'm good," Mumbo said as he backed up from the table still holding Grian. Cub smirked and went back to him potion-making.

"Joe and Stress should be coming soon, thankfully they didn't get turned in to toddlers," X said as he scooped up Biffa again as he was about to reach for a random potion.

"let's bring them out of here, shall we? we don't want them drinking random potions." Mumbo said as he took Iskall again with great difficulty.

"Here let me help you," Joe said coming down from the stairs.

"thank God you guys are here!" X sighed. after the hermits went upstairs they carpeted a big square and fenced it off. all of the toddlers so far was in there chilling, or fighting in case of Iskall and Biffa, over a... nothing... just fighting.

"brake it up kids," Joe said as he went in the middle and sits them down, Scar was sleeping in Cub's arm, and Mumbo was still carrying Grian.

"We have to go around and find the others, I'm going to fly around, come with me Mumbo?" X asked, "also you've got to put Grian down." X added as Mumbo blushed.

"I uh... ok," Mumbo said, reluctantly put down Grian with Stress.

"well, I'm going back down to make more potions, I'm taking Scar with me." Cub said as he went back to his office with Scar. "call me if you need help!" 

"We better get moving!" X called out to Mumbo as he put on his elytra and rockets.

"ok, coming!" Mumbo called as he planted one last kiss on Grian before shooting off in the sky with X

"so we just need to fly around looking for other toddler hermits." X said to Mumbo

"yeah, let's go to the shopping district first to see if anyone is there." Mumbo suggested 

"ok, good idea"

after they looked everywhere for the hermits, they only found the toddler ZIT in the red stone of Sahara, naturally, Mumbo got really panicky, for both. and Doc and Ren in area 77. they brought them back to joe and Stress.

"oh gosh, Grian! are you ok?" Mumbo asked rushing to Grian and he just jumped on him. "thank God you're ok."

"I found out how to turn them back!" Cub yelled from his office, then he came out with a normal Scar.

"oh good, give them the potion and don't do this again," X said as he feeds Biffa the potion. after everyone was cured, X made them all get off the server so he could check the server for more error.


later that day when everyone was back on, X decided to ask TFC for some cobblestone, as he went down he heard a scream,

"TFC? are you ok? where ar-" X asked befor he felt something pat his boot, making him jump. he turned around to see a toddler TFC

"what... "

hey guys! here is another meme for u.

me: I'm going to update tomorrow!

me: *don't update*

me: I'm going to be busy so I can't upda-

me: *updates*

anyways, hope you enjoyed his story, no hermit hurt in the making of this story! mk baiiiiiiiii!

Happy Thanksgiving!

-not busy Stuffy ;)

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