chapter one - the talk

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justins p.o.v

i walk into school with my black ripped jeans, a black calvin klein t-shirt, and black vans. as i'm walking down the hallway, i see all eyes on me. it's like this every single day. everyone is always looking at me as i walk down the hallway.

i make it to my locker and punch in my combination. i take some heavy ass books out and shove them into my backpack. i look to left and see the other boy who also always has eyes on him. raegan beast.

he's wearing all black just like me. his walk is similar to mine. and he even has that same smug look on his face. i hear whispers as he walks down the hall. what could these kids possibly be saying about him?

he gives me a glance and smirks a bit as he keeps walking down the hall. damn. he's hot. i guess there is something to talk about.

i've known raegan since last year, which was sophomore year. we are juniors now. fun fact, i've never dated anyone. i've only messed around and i believe raegan has only done the same. i don't date. i don't believe he does either. we've never caught feelings for anyone. we've never gotten together. but i wouldn't mind if we did.

i collect myself together and i trudge myself to first class. i'm dreading this day. summer was too short. let's hope this school year is even shorter.

fast forward 4 classes. now it's lunch. i sit down after grabbing some food and mind my own business. there are kids at my table, but not kids i talk to. they don't seem to want to talk to me anyway. one of the boys looks at me and quickly looks down. am i that scary?

my eyes adjust to the one and only raegan beast taking a seat in front of me. he says hi to the jocks at the table and that's when i realize. oh, they are his friends. besides the one who's scared of me. then, he looks at me.

"hey justin." he takes a bite of his sandwich and i just stare. "ready for the new year?" he raises is eyebrows.

"definitly. are you?" i ask him, returning the favor.

"i'm more ready for my party tonight than anything." he says and i raise one eyebrow at him.

"a party? tonight?" i ask, clarifying. he nods.

"hell yeah. everyone is going. you should too." he winks at me and i blink at him, the side of my lip raising a bit.

"i'll be there." i agree and see his friends all looking at me. "can i help you?" i ask them, continue to eat my food.

"oh come on jay." i hear raegan say. "sure we dress the same and may act the same, but you're not scary. all 5'4 of you is adorable." he pouts in a cute way and i shake my head at him.

"just because i'm small doesn't mean i'm not scary, raegan." i fire back at him and i can see he's enjoying this. i wouldn't mind getting with him at this party tonight. add it to the list of all my other one night stands.

"whatever you say." he says and i scoff at him.

"get over yourself." i say quietly.

"what was that?" he asks, putting his hand to his ear pretending like he didn't hear me. i know he heard me.

"we've known each other for a year now and you still haven't changed. you're just like me. i was at this school first, remind you. i can do just as much as you." i tell him and he leans over the table a little, closer to my face. he tries to act to intimidating and sometimes it works. but i can tell now, i'm getting to him.

"we'll see about that." he says and the bell rings. i don't move. i only watch the "bad boy" get up and follow his friends out of the lunch room. what does he mean? i'm not scared, but curious. he won't do anything. i'd like to see him try.

when the day was finally over, i went to my locker again to put my books back. there's no way i'm taking them home. i close my locker shut and swing my bag over my back. i could go for some taco bell right now.

i walk out of the school and get into my car. i drive to taco bell which is a little more than down the street from the school. and my house. i go through the drive through and order what i want.

on my way home, i check my phone to see a text from raegan. we've barely texted. i don't even remember having his number. the text read "be at my house at 8 tonight ;)". i roll my eyes and drop my phone on the passenger seat. he's acting weird.

if i were to ever get with raegan, i could never like him. i could never love him. who am i kidding, that'll never happen. it's just a stupid party with drinking. i usually can control myself when drinking. that's why i've had so many nights with so many people, if you know what i mean.

i don't fall for people. i've never seen raegan keep the same people. i've never kept someone. relationships are stupid. falling in love is stupid. and i'll tell you something else, raegan beast is just so stupid.

lowkey wish a lot of people could read this because i think it's about to be bomb as hell 🤪
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