chapter thirty seven - sort of

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justin's p.o.v

i stayed at home after school alone since i knew rae wanted to talk to his friends. i really am not dealing with that everyday. his friends are so immature. this is high school. people change and like i've said before, find out who they are. clearly, right?

my phone buzzes next to me as i'm in my own head on the couch. i pick it up and see kyle texted me again. he said "hey, if you're not with busy with raegan want to hang out?"

i think for a moment before answering. raegan will be with them for a while i assume. i can have kyle over. i text back telling him to come over along with my address. he said he'll be here in ten minutes.

i wait on the couch, watching some tv. raegan hasn't texted me so he must be talking to them. i just hope it goes well. it's torture dealing with them in school.

i finally hear a knock at the door and i get up off the couch. i walk to the front door and open it. i see kyle standing there, hands in his pockets.

"hey, come in." i say moving away and be steps into my house. he takes his shoes off and looks at me.

"hi." he smiles and i lead him over to the couch. he it's next to me and i cross my legs on the couch. "i'm surprised you're not with raegan." he laughs a little.

"he actually invited dave, shane, and that other kid over to talk to them. they won't stop bothering us in school." i tell him and he nods.

"caleb" he says. "the kids name is caleb."

"oh okay, thank you." i say. i'm glad i know now. it makes things easier.

"i hope that goes well. dave's such an ass, i don't know if he'll listen." he says looking at television.

"he has to. i cant deal with them everyday. why can't they just accept us?" i ask curious. "you know dave. has he said anything different to you?"

"nope." he looks over at me again. "same things he's said to you, if anything. we haven't really been talking and much as we used to. he just have his two minions with 'em all the time." he raises his eyebrows at me. i shake my head, sighing.

"is it so much of a shock that raegan fell for me?" i ask rolling my eyes. "because it seems like such a huge problem to everyone."

"i know those three don't shut up, but don't worry about what other people think. they're just jealous. everyone's wanted to fuck raegan since freshman year. even most guys." he scoffs and i look at him shocked. i sort of knew that but hearing it from him surprised me a little.

"oh really? have you?" i asked smiling at him jokingly. he laughs, shaking his head.

"not my type." he shrugs. my eyes widen a little. is kyle gay? he doesn't look like it at all.

"oh are..are you..-"

"i'm bisexual, leaning more towards guys." he says already knowing what i was going to ask.

"huh. that surprises me." i say.

"why's that?" he looks genuinely curious.

"i don't know to be honest. you just don't seem like you'd like guys. and that's not in a bad way." i say and he seems to understand.

"most people say that. i don't get it." he shrugs again and laughs. our eyes stay locked for a few seconds.

"so umm.." i break it as it seemed to get a little awkward. "what is your type then huh?" i ask.

"shorter boys with glasses." he winks at me and my face turns red. then he starts laughing again "i'm joking."

i laugh along with him but then i notice he moves closer to me so our legs are touching. we both stop laughing and look at each other. he puts his hand on my thigh and i stare at the greyish shiny ring on his finger.

"well.." he starts and i look back at him. "maybe i wasn't joking." he smiles a little. my heart starts racing only because i'm nervous. what is he saying?

"kyle i.." i stop and swallow hard. i don't even know what i was going to say. i'm stuck.

"you know if dating raegan gets too hard um..i'm always here." he says sweetly. i keep my eyes on his in shock and don't say anything. i didn't know kyle felt this way. this isn't good. shit.

i quickly notice he's leaning in slowly and before our lips touch, i move head back.

"what are you doing?" i say very quietly, almost shaking at what's happening right now. "you know i'm dating raegan. and i love him." i add and he moves his head back.

"oh my god i'm so sorry." he take his hand off my leg and moves back a little.

"you feel that way about me?" i ask, ignoring his apology. he shrugs, looking down.

"yeah sort of." he has a face of regret on that i can see even from the view i have of his face looking down.

"i'm sorry but it'll never happen." i say shaking my head. he keeps his head down looking at his hands and playing with his ring.

"i get it." he says.

"i think you should go. i won't tell rae about this. just please forget this ever happened. we can be friends, kyle." i tell him and he looks at me. our eyes lock.

"okay." he nods standing up. "i'm sorry again." he says as he walks to my front door. i watch as he walks out and once he's out of my house, i let out a huge breath i didn't even know i was keeping in.

i don't mean to make him feel bad but i don't feel that way about him. i love raegan so much. i could never cheat. i wouldn't want to anyway. kyle's my friend.

i get a facetime call from raegan a few minutes later and answer it. i hold the phone up to my face and see he's driving.

"hey cutie." he says and i notice his car is on the passenger seat. all i can see is the ceiling.

"hi babe, how'd it go?" i ask and don't hear anything for a minute. then i hear it get quiet and he picks up his phone and holds it to his face.

"i think it went good actually. after explaining so much, dave said he'd stop harassing us. of course he didn't apologize or anything but he'll stop. we're all good now." he smiles at the end and my heart melts.

"that's great. maybe we won't have to worry about getting judged for every little thing we do." i chuckle a little and he nods.

"yeah that would be awesome." he says. "so what have you been doing?" he asks.

"oh um, kyle came over for a little. we just talked and watched a movie." i lie and notice his face drop right as i said "kyle".

"he went over your house? you invited him?" he asks me and i nod.

"it's okay, we're friends and we were both bored." i shrug, slouching on the couch.

"okay i trust you. i guess." he smirks and i know he's kidding.

"haha so funny." i pretend to laugh at him and he gets out of the car. he walks inside his house and up to his room quickly.

"i'm tired." he says sitting on his bed. "i'll text you and of course i'll see you tomorrow."

"okay." i nod.

"i love you baby." he kisses the camera and smiles. i do the same and laugh at his cuteness.

"i love you too." i say and hang up after a few seconds. then i put my phone down on the couch.

what a day.

what a day is right 🤣
it's 2 o'clock in the morning rn 🤩
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