chapter fourty five - we're cool

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justin's p.o.v

a few school days have passed and now it's thursday. the past few days have been good but also annoying. dave won't too tormenting raegan and especially me for going back to him so soon and easily. but i don't care.

raegan and i have been a cute as ever. he took me on a date yesterday to a nice expensive dinner that i never expected. we had a lot of fun and i couldn't wish for a better boyfriend. he's all i need. i love this boy.

its about an hour after school and i'm just chilling at home, watching a movie in the couch. i get a text from raegan that asks if he can come over. i tell him of course and put my phone back down. i grab a blanket that's folded up on the couch and put it on me, waiting for raegan.

a few minutes later i see him walk in and look at me. he smiles, shutting the door and coming over. he hugs me right away.

"hi." i say kissing him as we pull away from the hug.

"hey baby." he sits on the couch and pulls his phone out. "what are you watching?"

"ah just some random movie i found. i was just excited for you to come over." i tell him, looking at the tv. when i don't hear an answer for a few seconds i look over at him. his eyes are glued to his phone. "rae?"

"hm?" he doesn't look up from his phone as he hums so i know he's listening. i sit up on the couch, taking the blanket off of me.

"i said i was excited for you to come over." i smile a little trying to lighten this sort of awkward mood but it doesn't work. he glances up at me, his thumbs still moving across his keyboard.

"i was excited to come over." he says looking back at his phone. what's going on?

"uh, who are you talking to?" i ask him nicely, moving closer to him. he doesn't answer and it's like he can't even hear me. "babe?" i place a hand on his thigh and he looks up at me.

"yeah, what's up?" he asks and now i'm starting to get aggravated.

"i asked who you were talking to." i tell him waiting for an answer. i try to peak at his phone screen but i cant see good.

"oh a kid from school" he says and then again, looks back at his phone.

"about what?" i ask, curious.

"homework." is all he says. his thumbs are moving faster than i've ever seen.

"and homework is that important when you're at your boyfriends house?" i ask and i don't know if i should be acting like an ass here or not. he's just acting weird.

"what?" he asks looking up like he didn't hear me. i shake my head, not trusting him right now. i quickly snatch his phone out of his hand and stand up off the couch.

"justin stop." he says quickly getting up after me. i look at his phone screen and see he's texting bella. and she has hearts in her contact name. he takes his phone back quickly and looks down, not knowing what to say.

"first off, can you stop lying at me, raegan?" i ask feeling irritated and upset. he puts his phone down on the couch and sighs. "second off..why are you texting bella?"

"we're cool now." he says shrugging his shoulders. i raise my eyebrows at him.

"you're cool? you didn't like her not that long ago." i cross my arms at him, confused.

"i'm sorry i lied but i knew you wouldn't like it. we've been texting and we're fine now. just friends." he says quietly and i shake my head.

"come on rae." he gives me a weird look. "you can't seriously believe she just wants to be your friend."

"you don't know her justin. can we just drop this? please?" he says sounding annoyed.

"i don't trust it." i tell him and he looks into my eyes intensely.

"what's it? me? or her?" he asks and i don't say anything. it's sort of both to be honest. he scoffs when i don't answer. "listen i know i cheated and i'm still so sorry about that but i didn't know what the hell was going on. i have some damn sense in this situation." what he says totally catches me off guard.

"i know raegan but she's your ex and she was rude as hell to me. you know i don't like her so why try to be friends with her? and why come to my house texting her like a maniac?" i ask not understanding what he was thinking in this situation.

"it's different. she's not so bad. and i don't know, we were just talking about random stuff." he says. i roll my eyes.

"you have heart emojis next to her name." i say.

"that doesn't matter. we just talk normal." he says right away defending himself.

"that's really rude to do, ya know?" i say and he looks like he's starting to get mad.

"says the one who did the exact same thing to me on our bowling date that one time." he says and i cannot believe he just said that.

"okay but that was not my ex and at least i went to the bathroom so it wasn't that bad." i argue and he shakes his head at me.

"that's ridiculous. it doesn't matter who it is and you only went to text him so i don't want to hear that." he raises his voice a little at me and i'm taken back.

"actually it does matter who it is because she's a manipulative bitch who's just trying to get you  tangled around her little finger again. and you're going to fall for it!" i raise my voice right back at him.

"i told you jay i would never let her do anything or take me away from you. i love you and she's just my friend." he says coming closer to me.

"i don't really want you being her friend." i say. "i know i can't control you but she can't be trusted." i tell him.

"you have to trust me then." he says and i keep my head down, not saying anything. i don't like this. "oh..okay, you don't trust me."

"i didn't say that." i fire back quickly.

"if you wanted to hide the fact that you don't actually trust me, you should have done a better job." he picks up his phone and starts to walk away from me, towards my front door.

"i don't want you to do something you'll regret..again!" i yell, following him.

"so you'll think i'll cheat on you again?" he asks but doesn't give me a chance to answer. "don't say anything, i already know your answer."

"raegan can't you let me fucking talk for a second?" i ask, my head feeling like it's going to explode.

"no need, i know it all." he says.

"no you don't because you won't let me speak!" i say and he just looks at me, crossing his arms. now i don't even want to say anything. it's not worth it. "ya know what, just get out. you won't believe me anyway." i tell him. "you already think you know everything."

"well that makes two of us." he says and my eyes widen at him. he then just walks out of the house, shutting the front door with a slam. i jump, feeling all the blood in my body boil.

i stomp upstairs into my bedroom and slam the door shut, hitting it with my hand while i'm at it to get some anger out. why the hell does bella have to exist? why does he like her to much? why wouldn't he let me speak?

i walk over to the side of my bed and without thinking, hit my side table lamp right off of the table and it hits the ground. it shatters and i grab my hair in frustration. fuck this. why can't he just want to not be friends with her because i don't like it? he was defending her.

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